Noob grower, pollen sacs on flowering week 10


Well-Known Member
actually amazing. now that i live in cali it seems to me like its from the same genetics as LaCon, although not as refined. still have a ton of seeds for it and grew it for years after that incident hehe. That seeded batch also made some really awesome hash hehe :)
lol id be more then happy to take some ornamental seeds from you haha.. yeah im not too too upset if i get me a hermie.. because ill breed with it, but thats if im outside.. indoors its another story


Yeah the pics I'd seen of hermies in late flowering usually looked like little bananas and not the big sac clusters at the nodes of male plants.

Although I don't "need" more seeds, it does look like pretty killer bud in person and I wouldn't complain about having a few more seeds for this strain. If I let those pollen sacs, well, pollenate the bud, is it possible to contain the seeding to just one cola or will the whole plant seed? Or if removing them with tweezers could they be saved for later usage, or to delicately pollenate just a small area?

There's a million different things I'm dying to try growing these cannabis plants, and just not nearly enough space time and money to do it in. Good times though :) It's quite gratifying to smoke your own grow.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
the seeds will not have enough time to fully mature. but the plant will focus its energy on seed production rather than bud and trich.. dont let them grow


New Member
Yep. Those are herm sacs. You can find them around the bud, those look like bananas, and you can find them earlier on the branches, they look like a grape or a group of them, just like male pollen sacs. I'd do a seed check to see how hard your plants were pollinated. Some herm pollen is harmless because it's infertile or whatever the word is, not potent. But sometimes it will potentate every plant in the room. This happened to me once, smoke was still good as even when seeded and before the plants will produce plenty or resin and glands. You don't want herms but they can be dealt with. Just pick away. Next time don't top or fim if you did this time, the stress from either can cause herms just as light leaks can. A unstable fem strain is almost always the reason why a plants herms but it can happen from stress.


New Member
Not really. Some of the best weed I've smoked in my life has been seeded. Resin is produced at about the same rate with a partially seeded plant, the only thing you lose is yield. I admit you don't want herms but they can be taken to harvest especially this late in flower.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
Wrong u do lose potency. the plant focuses its energy on juest making seeds. Nothing else. Not growth no trichome production


Active Member
Wrong u do lose potency. the plant focuses its energy on juest making seeds. Nothing else. Not growth no trichome production
I would love to know how you can prove this, I been in this game a lotta years, and would love to know how to produce such data?
any papers discussing this topic would be a help..

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
no papers just experience. i pollinated a full plant outdoor. (one of six same strains) and the one outdoor compared to indoor had very few trichs and 100's of seeds.


Active Member
no papers just experience. i pollinated a full plant outdoor. (one of six same strains) and the one outdoor compared to indoor had very few trichs and 100's of seeds.
might the conditions have something to do with that?


ps: your vid clip in your signature is killer, btw, you got the same thermometer as me , you cheap fucka ;0)


Well-Known Member
get seeds from that so you can get 100% female seeds just on the lower cause female pollen plus a female equals 100 percent female seeds


Well-Known Member
can you explain this a bit more please ?
thanx in advance
Basically what he is saying is that harvest those seeds because it came from a female plant and that those seeds will be predomiantely female just susceptible to hermaphroditism.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
might the conditions have something to do with that?


ps: your vid clip in your signature is killer, btw, you got the same thermometer as me , you cheap fucka ;0)
possibly yes. but the plant with the seeds was pretty much trichome-less. like barely any. oh and thanks, that is my current grow. i will be updating with videos and pics so go ahead and sub up. lol. cheap is the way to grow. all these people do all this expensive shit for a weed. i grow great on a cheap budget


Active Member
possibly yes. but the plant with the seeds was pretty much trichome-less. like barely any. oh and thanks, that is my current grow. i will be updating with videos and pics so go ahead and sub up. lol. cheap is the way to grow. all these people do all this expensive shit for a weed. i grow great on a cheap budget
yeah, does kinda point to that. I would like to have seen them compared with both done indoors.(im not suggesting you go non-sensimelia and seed your whole crop). As for growing on a budget, as long as the ladies are happy in the spaceship, and there are no astronauts in there, Im with you on that one bruv ;)