Noob Grower's 2nd Freezer Conversion Crop


Well-Known Member
Down to 6 now... Checked today and found another male showing. There are 2 definite girls and the last four have yet to show... So, I guess the count is actually "up" two and four to be determined.


Well-Known Member
Total of 6 girls!!!

:( but I had to cull down to 2 :(

So, I did the deed and killed the weaklings. Really not happy, but it was required :(

Transplanted the winners of the "beauty contest" into their final containers, now let the REAL fun begin! I'll try to get some pics soon...


Active Member
funny beauty contest where only winners survive and others are killed :D shame you can't go to sell them on market place like grandmas do with tomato plants. My mom buys them every spring. Dreaming about that that day when we will be able to go and buy MJ plants.


Well-Known Member
So I got my mini-humidifier today and tied down my girls for a little training... I know training usually starts in veg, but since I was dealing with bag seed, there was no use in training a bunch of males when I knew I could only accommodate 2 plants. The humidity is staying in the 50% range (so far, after 2 hours of running it, humidity is ranging 48% - 56%) and I cranked my exhaust back up to 12v to adjust a temp increase following the "beauty contest"... Without all those extra bodies in the cab, the temp went up into the high 80's, low 90's. Also, with the introduction of the humidifier, I was concerned the humidity would be too high.

Anyway, here are the pics I promised... In no particular order. Some are close ups of side nodes I turned "up" by tying down, others are overviews.

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Well-Known Member
The girls are growing well now... I have quite a few nicely developing bud sites on both and their colas are starting to take shape nicely!

Enviro-update ----> Cab temps are averaging 78.5 (daytime high 86 when lights go down, daytime low 71 when lights first go on) and humidity is staying constant at 50% daytime and maxes 80% lights off (max low is 31% now). LST has allowed me get more light to those side shoots and I'm thinking of trimming some fan leaves.

I'm hoping to snap a few pics when I get home... Comments are always welcome!


Active Member
Yes, it looks that they are getting better light now. How big are you expecting them? I am on 4th week of flowering and my plant stopped stretching already week ago. It is only around 55cm tall. do you have enough space to let them grow big?


Well-Known Member
Since I'm doing horizontal type training, I'm not focused on vertical growth. Both plants have the single bend I was shooting for now, letting me get as many bud sites on the same horizontal plane as possible. I'm still seeing my colas growing taller and the bud sites along the main stem are beefing up. As for making the plant "taller", that's not really part of the plan. I'm going for a kind of modified SOG in this grow. The way I have them growing now, it's just a matter of keeping the secondary buds on the same general horizontal plane. I'm still seeing consistent growth when I make it rain nute phase.


Well-Known Member
Modified the usual "make it rain" technique the other day and followed a nute feed with a second nute feed... When I transplanted to the final containers, I decided to experiment with a different mix and the grow conditions seem to be vastly altered. I'm using a soilless orchid mix that is mainly peat, vermiculite and bark with additional perlite and sphagnum mixed in by me, and it seems to be holding a good amount of moisture while staying very light and airy. I'm getting a tiny bit of curling on the ends of a few fan leaves and since I've been so careful about watering and feeding, I decided to just go for it and double dose (strength and frequency) this past feed phase... I'll continue with the flush phase next, but I wanted to see how well the plants would take a little "nute nuke".

My buds are getting fatter by the day and most of the trichs are still clear... Hairs are still mostly white with a few leaning amber right now. Almost all of the leaves and buds (I'd say 87% of them) are just riddled with yummy little trichs. Everytime I check on them, I just wanna lick the plant!

I hope to get a few pics up by the end of the week... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
So I'm itching to harvest, but I'm waiting for the perfect time... I gave a super nute "make it rain" a few days ago and will be flushing from here on out, I think. I'm hoping for a little feedback on a few things....

-I don't know the pheno of either of my two plants so I don't know exactly when to chop. They're clearly 2 different strains (one has really dark, waxy leaves. The other is lighter in color and the leaves are more matte than gloss). They have gotten identical treatment across the board, so all things are equal aside from their "breeding".

-Plant #2 has some weird leaves by the cola... Not just dark and waxy (which is fine, I know), but oddly shaped. They're not fanned at all and only have 5 segments. They're bunched up pretty tight to each other and just plain weird....

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-Here are a few shots of my modified LST/ SOG type thingy...

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And a few shots of the colas and secondary bud sites... Some close-ups as well.

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Comments and criticisms are welcomed.... Also, a bit of advice on harvesting and exactly what I should be shooting for would be great! I'm called n00bGrower for a reason! :bigjoint:


Active Member
Looks really tasty to me! :weed:
It seems that the woman should wait some time to turn into nice lady. I am really not an expert because my own girl is my first and also not ready. But i think that there shouldn't be those white hairs at the H-day. I understand that they should all turn amber


Well-Known Member
I think they're getting closer!!! Stole a chance to snap a few pics and was able to get a few nice macro shots... Just flushed both plants with about 2 gals each, waited about a hour, and then they split a gallon of 1 tb/ gal molasses water.

Here are my new pics... Sorry there are so many!

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Tell me how I'm doing!! I have a 30x -100x scope but my hands aren't steady enough to get a good look at the trichs. Any suggestions?