NOOB - Help Diagnose!



Just recently I some of the fan leaves have been turning a golden brown near the tips - I have read up on it some and it sounds like a note deficiency or note lock out. I have been foliar feeding every 3 days or so and also using Roots Organics Buddha Grow at about half to 3/4 strength - I also noticed that some of my stems for the fan leaves are red which i thought was a pH problem since i have had ph issues in the beginning but I also read somewhere thats its normal for fan leave stems to be turning red. If anybody has any idea how to help it would be greatly appreciated


I should also note that I am about 4 days into recovery of a thrips infestation - using Neem II for that


Well-Known Member
if you been infested, your plant prolly just trynn to let you know! if your takin care of the problem, it will let you know that too! it might want to be replanted too...


Well-Known Member
also, i think foliar feed is unnesicary...get your roots in check (PH, bacteria ect..), and they will take up all the nutes needed...


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are hungry for nitrogen to me .... once you get your ph under control I would give them a little extra N and see if the color improves.