noob here 1st closet grow 2 weeks into flowering 7 weeks from seed ak-48 help!!!!!!


Active Member
hey guys:hug:i orderd ak-48 from nirvana-shop and advise to order seeds from their if anywhere els okay anyways after all my growing experiments i have two females that look like their on the brink of budding. tommorow will be there 2nd week into flower.14days under 12 12 and they have some nice colas alrdy my nutreints are 24-20-18 question #1 is the nutrients supposed to be set that high?#2when should i expect the aroma of marijuana in exception of the essence of plant and last but not least how many ounces should these two plants yield im expecting atleast 4 but any more opinions and constructive criticisim will help please reply after view keep me posted if anything because i am somewhat of a noob :confused::confused:



Nice trees, I wouldnt be surprised if each one gave u 4oz. For flowering I'd use some nutes with less nitrogen (the first number) something like 0-5-5 would be good, or anything with less nitrogen than phosphorous and potash. If you do switch nutes, go slow at first, only add 1/4 the amount it tells you too. Personally I like Earth Juice Bloom or FoxFarm Tiger Bloom, but some people swear by compost tea. Maybe in another week or two you'll start really smelling them, I think once they start making trics is when they'll start stinking real hard.


Active Member
I would not expect 4 ounces per plant. That would be a huge yield from two plants for a first time grower. I can't even tell what kind of light he is flowering under. What are your temperatures, and what kind of medium are you using?


Active Member
1000 wat hps temps around 78-85 and im using miracle grow and and added tiger bloom and happy frog miracle grow that adds up to 21-20-18 are you sure it wont grow 4 oz per?an if not then on your opinion how much?


Active Member
thx for the comment anymore information would be gr8ful or just post a comment trying to pick up some advice here


All i got to say is your plants are looking beautiful so far. I'm a total noob myself as you already know (only 1 week into my first grow). However, the experts here can probably answer this. Can't you cut off the bottom small branches as to promote energy and growth more towards the top? Hence bigger yield?

Do you have any new pics you could post?


Active Member
why dont you have your light in the middle of the closet
next time might want to add a little bit of cfls on the bottom
so they will get bigger but all i have to say is niceee..

and how is ak48 treating you i have been thinking of getting it


Active Member
yeah i totally agree with the lights in the bottom margin of the plant.I just never got around to it,but def on my next grow i wouldnt make so many mistakes as i did this one,since its my first grow an all thx but i took a little bit of the clippings from the bottom of the plant which wasnt so bushy and smoke it got me pretty buzzed but i orederd from nirvana and they seem pretty good


Active Member
i use a AG because no local hydro shop and i got it for about $65 brand new from
bed bath and beyond of all places i use 2 14w quad-band led panel from ebay 4 like $60-$70
for my side lighting i never get streching at all