Noob Here...1st grow. Looking for input and answer to question about cutting leaves.


I first stumbled across this site last October. I decided to use the information I learned to try my 1st grow. I chose the AK-47 Lowryder (Easy Ryder) Autoflowering strain for my first try at this. At the time these photos were taken, this girl was 37 days old or about 1/2 way through her expected life span of 70-75 days. She is growing under a 400w HPS and has been under the recommended 20/4 light cycle for her entire life. In the photos, she is about 19 inches tall. This strain supposedly maxes out at around 24 inches under optimal conditions.

I'm concerned about the yellowing/dying fan leaves. From what I've read this is normal. Is that correct? My concern was mainly with the ones that are yellowing about 1/2 way up the plant. They seem to be following the same course as the dead ones at the bottom of the plant. Should I be concerned about these? Should I cut the dead ones at the bottom of the plant off? If so, how do you cut the leaves? What I mean is, do you cut just the leaves off or the entire stem/branch that connects the leaves to the main stem?

Thanks in advance for your help!!!! You all do a great service to the community!!!!!! :bigjoint:



New Member
i recently just asked the same question. during flowering it is normal for the lower fan leaves to start yellowing. the plant is using all the nutrients from those leaves and putting it towards the buds. if they are completely dead and shriveled up its probably not bad to cut them off. if they are just yellowing but still look like a leaf, LEAVE THEM! To cut the dead ones use a CLEAN razor blade and cut to the stalk of the main stem. Every one suggested doing this at a very slow pace. maybe a leaf or 2 a day to ensure you do not stress the plant during this important stage in its life. looking good!


Active Member
trim die leaf off dont need 1/4 off stock add just a bit of " n" to soil and give good pk sup to. If u can get some tiger bloom from fox farms now and add that will help bloom much stronger and the leaf will do that as it matures. so dont go crazy with nutes this is part of it's natural growth paddern. Good luck bro!
hey jyck, it is normal for lower fan leafs to die due to lack of sun, I suggest for you to not touch your plant if you are not a experienced grower, do not cut your fan leves off.

i also suggest for people new to the growing game to pick up ed rosenthals ask ed & jorge cervantes marijuana horticulture the indoor/outdoor growers bible.

theres a lot in there you can learn from. I am still learning with each grow i do, as of everyone else who is on here.

always use clean instruments when pruning. A straight razor blade, single edge razor blade, or a pair of scissors all work well. Sanitize clippers and blades between cuts by dipping in rubbing alcohol. after pruning the open wound invites diseases and pests. wash your hands and tools before and after pruning. make cuts at a 45 degree angle to discourage moisture from sitting wounds.

avoid pruning up to a month before inducing flowering since pruning diffuses floral hormones, flowering is retarded. If heavily pruned shortly before flowering, peak maturation is delayed for a week or longer. it takes a month or longer for hormones to build up to pre-pruning concentrations. leave leaves alone removal of leaves hacks up a healthy plant removing of large fan or shade leaves does not make plants more productive, even though this practice supplies more light to small leaves and growing tips. plants need all their leaves to produce the maximum amount of chlorophyll and food. removing leaves slows chlorophyll production, stresses the plant, and stunts growth, stress is a growth inhibitor.


remove spindly branches and growth that is not collecting light energy, including dead and dying leaves, pruning lower branches concentrates auxins in upper branches which forces growth upwards, cut lower branches off cleanly at the stem so no stub is left to rot and attract pests and diseases. pruning spindly branches and growth inside plants opens up the interior and provides more and better air circulation. It also allows light to reach deeper inside plants.

NOT PRUNING: has several advantages. Floral hormones are allowed to concentrate in tips of branches causing buds to grow stronger and denser. Unpruned plants are crammed in a small area. Crowded plants have less space to bush out alterally and tend to grow upright.

theres alot of techniques and a lot of controversy with pruning so its all on learning.