Noob hydro rdwc nutes

Lots of options out there. I started with the GH Flora trio-worked well but I needed gallons of the stuff for a grow.
Tried Megacrop for season-much easier to use but it was very hygroscopic and didn't store well.
I'm running Jack 3-2-1 this season with very good results-bit of a learning curve to dial in the ec and you need a scale to measure out the components but it's very simple to make adjustments to the mix.
Jacks 3-2-1 FTW
Incredible mixture, PH balanced, and for the 2 parts (jacks part a, cal nitrate part b) it's less than 150 to ship 20 pounds each ... which will feed over 3000 gallons. All you have to add is the epsom salts and good to go. Even buying that from Jacks (a little more expensive than the cheapest) you get an incredible deal.
I'm going to check ut out now thank you
Lol my man!! Advanced is one of my favorites but that is my personal experience with it.
I run all the way to the grandmasters line for years and I mean even through the new recipes I still love it.

Now that being said the new recipes don’t seem to have as great of a pH buffer. I’ve noticed the new batch is drift due to water evaporation and perspiration through the foliage.

Now when you top off your reservoir are you using RO or TAP.
I would suggest adding 25%-50% concentration of nutrients to help buffer the Reservoir.

You can always add ph down, but do know if you do this too often you’ll lock out nutrients since it has Neutralize some of the other compounds to make the mix less alkaline.

Never add the pH down or up directly to the reservoir I would say 30 mL (ph down - general hydro) to every 1500 mL (RO water) that will affect your parts per million probably by 10 ppm’s if you add an additional 1500ml of RO water it should reduce the additional 10ppm.

Do you proceed with caution when chemically balancing because you may build a potassium toxicity while Making for deficiencies..

It’s a balancing act and as you continue to learn the different characteristics of the plants you’ll understand the nuances in the needs of certain strains happy grown brotha!
Thanks for the details Cannablitzz. I will go all the way with AN for this grow and maybe next. Right now I find it hard to get my hands on Pirahna.
I`m running on tap water, I actually bought an 18l bottle a the store and it had higher ph count then tap! Our tap water is around 7.4 -7,6.
Right now i`m going around 6.8 in my Res keeping temps 18-21C. Water change is on Friday`s. I`ve written directly to AN and they said their products get`s absorbed anywhere from PH 4 - 8. With Additives that allows intake of nutrients.
Thanks for the details Cannablitzz. I will go all the way with AN for this grow and maybe next. Right now I find it hard to get my hands on Pirahna.
I`m running on tap water, I actually bought an 18l bottle a the store and it had higher ph count then tap! Our tap water is around 7.4 -7,6.
Right now i`m going around 6.8 in my Res keeping temps 18-21C. Water change is on Friday`s. I`ve written directly to AN and they said their products get`s absorbed anywhere from PH 4 - 8. With Additives that allows intake of nutrients.
How big is your reservoir
written directly to AN and they said their products get`s absorbed anywhere from PH 4 - 8.
I'm going to check ut out now thank you
If you go to their site and search for 'kits' they have the 321 kit that has the entire 321 line + clone starter, bloom booster, finisher for something like $130 that will get you 1kg each of all that stuff if you want to start small. I don't use the boosters on my tommy toes because most of the time you don't need them. If you tweak the 321 ratio between the three main parts (Jacks a, CalNit b, Epson c) you can totally dial in your feed.

Somebody in another thread posted a link to greengenes garden on youtube, he does a good job explaining it, how to measure, how to understand what nutrients are in different products. It's a good search if you have the time, just hop on youtube and google jacks 321.

Just a personal thing, but I don't buy the wet proucts anymore. The markup on H2O in those things is ridiculous.
Thanks for that info!! What are wet products? Like liquid nutes? Ph up and down?
Wet nutrients, as in bottled liquid nutrients. I used to use Remo's, and his is good for sure (complicated wow a lot of stuff there) but for 1 cycle with my setup I needed 2 of his whole kits, something like $320 or so at the time.

With 1 25 pound jacks a (5-12-26), 1 25 pound calnitrate b, 1 25 pound epsom c total cost shipped I think is less than 200, and you can literally feed over 3000 gallons with that(maybe 4000 I haven't done the math in a while) . To feed 3000 gallons with Remo's you'd need something like 16 of his kits at like $2k. The difference in those prices I like to call the water tax :) What does one have the other doesn't? Water. Dont get me wrong, there are a lot of cool organic additives with Remos that make things grow easy and it grows massive tommy toes, but cost wise I can't make the case.

PH up and down you never get away from :) the only other liquid amendment I use is the tribus original for roots. And credit where it is due, some of this I was taught by watching videos from Greengenes garden on youtube, shout out GG! I highly recommend checking him out.
Wet nutrients, as in bottled liquid nutrients. I used to use Remo's, and his is good for sure (complicated wow a lot of stuff there) but for 1 cycle with my setup I needed 2 of his whole kits, something like $320 or so at the time.

With 1 25 pound jacks a (5-12-26), 1 25 pound calnitrate b, 1 25 pound epsom c total cost shipped I think is less than 200, and you can literally feed over 3000 gallons with that(maybe 4000 I haven't done the math in a while) . To feed 3000 gallons with Remo's you'd need something like 16 of his kits at like $2k. The difference in those prices I like to call the water tax :) What does one have the other doesn't? Water. Dont get me wrong, there are a lot of cool organic additives with Remos that make things grow easy and it grows massive tommy toes, but cost wise I can't make the case.

PH up and down you never get away from :) the only other liquid amendment I use is the tribus original for roots. And credit where it is due, some of this I was taught by watching videos from Greengenes garden on youtube, shout out GG! I highly recommend checking him out.
This really helps thank you very much!