Noob lack of patience in sprouting new seeds...


Active Member
Hi all,
For my first grow I am growing some LowRyder in a DWC setup and it is going along nicely. The problem is that I miscalculated the flowering time and sprouted new seeds in 1.5" rockwool cubes. I don't have the space in my system and the LR is not going to be done in time. Can I put the new seedlings in pots with the small cubed rockwool and just water them with a weak nutrient solution and get them started while I wait for the others to finish and transplant them to the DWC system when it is ready? I don't want to put them in soil as I have no room under the 250w that I am using.

I figure if I use rockwool it will be OK, I just want to make sure that the roots will take to hydro when I am ready for them.


Active Member
Soma says: get a glass of water from your kitchen. Make sure to use warm water. Fill the cup up. Put the seeds in the cup of water. Bad seeds float. Good ones sink. Some good ones might take a little while to sink. Most seeds "pop" after a day. For those that take longer than overnight germination, change the water out and always use warm water. Not "HOT" just warm.

After they "pop" place them taproot down into the grow medium.