Noob lighting questions for a very small project


Well-Known Member
can i mount a 250w HPS lamp in a normal lamp hanger? im not very good at electrics you see, also arent they very expensve?
Ebay "High bay" and "low bay" lighting. Most of these are HPS or Metal Halide, and are cheap. If you can wire 3 wires from the light into an extension cord to plug into a wall, then you can do it. Shit, if you have wiring trouble, I can walk you through it. Its definetly worth it for HPS lighting.

Granted: Im making flouro's out to be a bit worse than they are. Theyll grow great quality weed, just at very low yeilds. I ran 650w of flouro light over 16 female plants and harvested under a half pound. Now, I have THREE females under two 150w HPS's, and I'm expecting a harvest of the same size as last time.
ok, and looking at ebay these bulbs are alot cheaper!
i thank you so much for this mate, its really helped, so i am going to get a 250w HPS bulb, which will hopefully be able to be mounted in the E40 socket i currently own :D

so for one single plant living as close as possible toa 250w HPS what yield am i looking at with a 16/8 cycle?
or woould it be a waste of light and should i plant more than one plant? i dont mind, i just want the highest possible yield
and its not so much im scared of wiring, its just were the hell do i get the wires and plug from!


Well-Known Member
or woould it be a waste of light and should i plant more than one plant? i dont mind, i just want the highest possible yield
and its not so much im scared of wiring, its just were the hell do i get the wires and plug from!

unfortunately, u need a ballast as well for the hps lamp. theyre round $50-60.

the sog method is supposed to be the best, its where u grow lots of small plants and harvest them, rather than one big plant.
basically if you have one big plant ur gonna get several ozs, if you have 8 small plants weilding at least 1/2 oz a go... you do the math. if you grow one big plant, and make clones from it, you can flower them right away, doing the sog method, and get the best of both worlds. thats if u have enogh space that is. man, ive confused myself here!!!
oooh, what the hell is a ballast? gotta admit youve confused me there :P
if its a holder for the extremely large bulb i will make one myself at school, i will get a normal e40 plug socket and just mount it to the cabinet wall for secureness.
ermm i have floor space of...
20x20 inches so thats enough for... what... 6 small plants?


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Metal Halide is mainly used for vegging plants, but it can be used for flowering.

Say there was a scale from 1 to 10 of the most effective lights for growing pot from start to finish. 10 would be the best... the sun. An HPS would be like an 8-8.5, and a metal halide would be a 7. CFL's or other flouro's would be a 4, maybe a 5.

If that makes sense. Metal Halide is better than CFL's, but not quite as good as HPS. I was just posting a MH as an example, you can find an HPS like that too. Also, they make HPS conversion bulbs to use an HPS bulb with a metal halide ballast (and vise versa). Something to look into...
im trying to find some hi bay's and low bay's on seems its alot easier on the american counter part. anyone in the UK selling HPS or MH 250watt bay by anychance? :P


Well-Known Member
ah a fellow englishman. did wonder. ill have a look for u mate. :)
a ballast runs the bulb sumhow, its complicated, bt it wont light up without one.|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318

that 1 looks quite good, it can run both mh and hps. its also best offer. put an offer in for 40£, they mite give it to you and its free p+p.

thats the best offer i can find, all the rest are well over £70
thanks man, i'm gonna wait a while see if anything cheaper comes up, as im probably gonna be moving rooms soon and if thats possible it opens up a possible 15 x 4 foot growing area so i may want to reprioritise.

i have the seeds already though, they should be fine in a dry baggy shouldnt they? fora maximum of... a month?


were abouts in england mate? north west through and through here


Well-Known Member
thanks man, i'm gonna wait a while see if anything cheaper comes up, as im probably gonna be moving rooms soon and if thats possible it opens up a possible 15 x 4 foot growing area so i may want to reprioritise.

i have the seeds already though, they should be fine in a dry baggy shouldnt they? fora maximum of... a month?


were abouts in england mate? north west through and through here
west midlands mate.

yeah,theres plenty of options with that size! ud be getting pounds nd pounds!

thats fine for storing seeds. i kept mine in the baggy i got them in for 6 months! they were just in the dark. i had a 100% germ rate too!
Hmm so realisticlky i will be looking at over 100£ to get the lamp set up?
thats a bit of a shitter, i definitely cant use this size equipment in my supposed set up, i like the way it has developed from "one plant" using 40watts of flourescent to a 250w HPS bulb with a ballast over 6-7 plants :P i dont mind though, as long as i get some lovely green :)
dont plan on dealing mate (PLAN) and i got 10 "super skunk" seeds, i didnt have the option too go get some real seeds so i just bought chavvy shit from the market lol. they are dope seeds though so dope is dope.

well yeah i still live with the rents thats all so i wanna avoid ordering the lighting to the house