Noob mixing up all the left over goodies...Super Soil?


I am new to the organic growing and this will be my second organic run. I bought bunch of stuff on my last grow and have some left over. I have been reading about super soil and decided to mix up my own using all the left over. Here are the list.

-3 cu ft. Fox Farm Ocean Forrest
-3 cu ft. Premier Peat Moss
-3 cu ft. Happy Frog Soil conditioner (pH-balanced forest humus, earthworm castings, bat guano, humic acid.
-2 cu ft. Vermiblend (compost, earthworm castings, humus, kelp and mycorrhizal fungi)
-1/2 cu ft. Ancient Forrest (Alaska Humus soil amendment).
-3 cups of Espoma Plant Tone 5-3-3 (Might need more?not sure how much to use)
-5 cups Dolomite lime(22% Cal 11% Mg) This is all I have left. Do I need to add more?
- Perlite

I just mixed all this up tonight with some RO water. I will let this sit for about 3-4 weeks. I will buy and add more stuff if needed but prefer not to at this point. Am I missing anything? I do have a full line of Earth Juice to help push this grow along if needed.

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


^^^Thank you for the link above. I definitely will be adding more perlite. I don't need anymore soil right now but I will add coco to my next soil mix. Do you like coco more than peat moss?
Also my local store has humic acid for 50% off and I heard great thing about it. There is some humic acid in the Happy Frog soil conditioner not sure how much. Should I consider getting it or it would be overkill. Thank you


Well-Known Member
^^^Thank you for the link above. I definitely will be adding more perlite. I don't need anymore soil right now but I will add coco to my next soil mix. Do you like coco more than peat moss?
Also my local store has humic acid for 50% off and I heard great thing about it. There is some humic acid in the Happy Frog soil conditioner not sure how much. Should I consider getting it or it would be overkill. Thank you
no need for frog conditioner or humic acid. Just get compost and worm castings. Make it 30% of your mix...

I prefer soil / peat. I do a 50/50 mix half coco half soil. Growth rates are amazing with the that.


Well-Known Member
Should we throw out soil with spidermites in it?
spider mites live and lay eggs on leaves. Those are most likely predatory mites in the soil. Brown little creepers.... They are beneficial. They eat all other pests and unbroken down organic material. They die off once their food source is gone.


Well-Known Member
spider mites live and lay eggs on leaves. Those are most likely predatory mites in the soil. Brown little creepers.... They are beneficial. They eat all other pests and unbroken down organic material. They die off once their food source is gone.
My plant had spidermites, infested. Great bud though! And just for safety measures i threw the 5gallons of soil out, wasnt sure if the eggs could have fallen in the soil or something. I dont know much about spider mites except that they are fkn hard to kill!
I dont see any mites in the soil, i think i was just being over cautious? Does the soil cooking kill off spider mites and gnats and all that?

Thanks hyroot :)


My plant had spidermites, infested. Great bud though! And just for safety measures i threw the 5gallons of soil out, wasnt sure if the eggs could have fallen in the soil or something. I dont know much about spider mites except that they are fkn hard to kill!
I dont see any mites in the soil, i think i was just being over cautious? Does the soil cooking kill off spider mites and gnats and all that?

Thanks hyroot :)
Good question and I did the same by throwing out all my soil from my last batch because of the spider mites. Just didn't want to take that chance.
What about powdery mildew? Is it safe to recycle organic soil of the plants that affected by the PM? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Good question and I did the same by throwing out all my soil from my last batch because of the spider mites. Just didn't want to take that chance.
What about powdery mildew? Is it safe to recycle organic soil of the plants that affected by the PM? Thanks
Lol i would like to know the answer to the mildew too! Just incase