Noob Needs A Little Help

Hello Everyone,

I'm a noob to indoor growing and wondered if I could get a little help with a couple of questions?

First, I've spent a lot of time researching indoor growing and constructing a stealth box. I have one plant going now. This is just a trial run for if things get too risky I can just pull the plug so to speak and I really haven’t lost anything worth of value plant wise.

I used some seeds that were about 10 yrs old and got one to sprout. They were from very good stock back in the day. Anyways, I was wondering:

  1. Can anyone tell what kind of strain(indica or sativa) I have from this picture, so I know a little better how to approach the size issue, I'm growing in a 2 x 3 box area that is about 4ft high. I'm using 42 watt CFL's for light, temps always good at 78deg., soil is Foxfarm ocean forest soil, and Ph of water runs about 6.0 – 6.4.
  2. And, I'm following along with a book I bought called: Marijuana Buds For Less, grow 8oz of bud for less than $100(you can find it on In the book, SeeMoreBuds starts flowering his Mango plant at day 16. Even though at day 11 my plant is much bigger than his, I doubt it will get to his size by day 16(from what I understand his is a high bred made to grow fast and short for indoor growing), so should I wait a couple of more weeks or have faith and start flowering at day 16?

Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

