noob ????s


I Have 2 plants i am growing. both plants are in flowering . my question is on one plant it has nothing but 3 fingered leaves on it is that normal? and on my other plant it has a set of 7 finger leaves while the rest are 5??? and i been flowering for 3 weeks going on 4 now and they seem to be growing slow. im currently using 2 13w cfl lights with 2 100w regular lights.



Well-Known Member
that is nothing to worry over, youve got much bigger problems. mostly lighting. halogen are worthless for growing and 26w of cfl is nowhere near enough to flower with. unless you want to yeild .5 gram dry. lol


Well-Known Member
depends, how large is your grow area? do u want to do more than 1 plant a time in the future? do you have a fan on the plant? how much money you have to invest?


right now i have my them in my closet which is not very big and i dont have a lot of money right now i was aiming to get a couple oz or a least a oz a plant


Active Member
just stack up on cfls although you wont get a couple of ozs you'll get something worth the time and effort.


Well-Known Member
an oz isnt gonna happen. you will be lucky if you get a quarter out of it. get more cfls if your low on funds. do you have a fan on them?


Well-Known Member
it should do alot better now with those new lights, there was a whole lot of stretching goin' on with her, but if it's still growing taller, it should start looking more compact!


Well-Known Member
I would LST those plants, especially because you are using CFL's to grow. Low stress training can really help you increase yield when growing with CFL's because it creates a more even canopy of bud sites so all of them have almost an equal distance to the lights.

You could do a lot more to help your plants and to help yourself get that oz you want, you just have to read up a bit on growing cannabis with CFL's indoors