Noob with sick plant, how about some help please? (pics attached)

This is my first time grow and after a few kinks in the initial set up I have two plants growing. But now theres something wrong with them and I could use a little help from the experts.

The first two pics (plant A) just looks like crap, all the leaves look like wilted lettuce or somethin and I dont know what the problem is.

Plant B (second two pics) only has problems with spots and dead looking lower leaves. It looked a lot worse about a week ago but ive been giving both plants epsom salt to boost the magnesium levels after seeing some pics on the sick plant sticky.

So I think Plant B is healing up but Plant A still has something bad wrong with it. Their planted in miracle grow organic potting soil and I water each plant with about 12oz of well water every 3 days. This is a bagseed test grow (plants are clearly different types) under cfl daylight bulbs.


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12 ounces of water every three days? how big are the pots u have them in? because 12 ounces of water isnt going to help your plants in the least... the roots arent even getting water
The information you supply is pretty bad, my best guess is ph, whats the ph of that well water my guess would be its pretty high and you have nute lockout check the ph of well water and get some ph down if its too high as I suspect
12 oz per pot every 3 days, it could be over-watering. After watering, do you see any water seepage below? I would also check the pH.
NUMER ONE THING IS :spew: MIRACLE GROW POTTING SOIL SUCKS!!! I have heard that Miracle Grow Moisture Control is better, but MIRACLE GROW SUCKS!!! I started growing with it and had nothing but problems, the timed release nuts are fine for flowers around the house but thats about it, I tried Fox Farm Ocean Forest potting soil, reeally good shit!!..

What you need to do is flush with lots of water, PH adj to 6.5 +- wait til the top third of the soil drys ou
t, and if they haven't started to pick up, do it again. :peace:
looks kind of like over watering. most noobs do it. let that soil dry out good and stop with the epsoms salts. you gave them plenty. You might even have some root rot. 3 days is good for water if they need it bad if they don't.
This is my first time grow and after a few kinks in the initial set up I have two plants growing. But now theres something wrong with them and I could use a little help from the experts.

The first two pics (plant A) just looks like crap, all the leaves look like wilted lettuce or somethin and I dont know what the problem is.

Plant B (second two pics) only has problems with spots and dead looking lower leaves. It looked a lot worse about a week ago but ive been giving both plants epsom salt to boost the magnesium levels after seeing some pics on the sick plant sticky.

So I think Plant B is healing up but Plant A still has something bad wrong with it. Their planted in miracle grow organic potting soil and I water each plant with about 12oz of well water every 3 days. This is a bagseed test grow (plants are clearly different types) under cfl daylight bulbs.

OK...a few things.

First off, Organic Miracle grow soil is pretty acidic, even for cannabis. I have seen people grow in it but usually come time to transplant they get something else. An alternative would be to add some perlite to the soil to make it more airy.

Now as far as watering, Ill share the best advice someone ever gave me. You cannot over water your plant when you're actually giving them water. You can only water too often. Next time you water, pour water over the soil until the water drains out the bottom for at least 5 seconds preferably more. I do this every time I water, that way the container will feel heavy and when its time to water it will be significantly lighter just by feel. Wait till the top of the soil drys out, stick your finger in a couple inches and if its not wet (cool is ok, just not wet) then water it. Give it enough water to COMPLETELY saturate the soil. This removes more gases & salts from the soil that stunt root growth & harm your plants.

My bet is if you try this for the next few waterings, your plants will love you. Some people call this "flushing", I call it watering :) When I flush I run at least 3x the planters volume of water through the soil. But that's only if things go bad or towards the end of flowering.

Hope that helps, let me know if you have any more questions, Ill answer what I can. No pro just an avid reader :P

yep man-time for a soil change and look out when your watering-just do it when you lift your pot up and if it feels light and not heavy,its time to water them-and its a good thing when you see a little water coming through from your drainage holes, beacause then you now that your plant roots have got a good watering.put when a hole lot of water is goming through then you are just wasting your nutes and your soil own good things.
keep up the good work....
I started watering with a spray bottle when the plants are small. Spraying lets you water very slow and lets the soil absorbe the water beter. I got a pump up sprayer for bigger plants. I just pulled some males an checked the roots. the root ball was very thick and took up all/most of the pot.
I was under the impression that over watering just caused the leaves to get a little droopy so I was thinking something major was wrong. Its been three days since I watered and the soil felt dry but I think the problem might be that my pots came with those little tray things on the bottom so the water doesnt leak on your floor (just took them off) So it would make sense that the roots could still be saturated even if the top of the soil is dry. Going to let them dry out for another day and then water letting the extra drain off.

I know that miracle grow soils are a no-no compared to fox farms but I couldnt find anywhere that sells it within a few hour drive. My only resources were Walmart and Lowes so the MG Organic seemed like my best bet from the options avalable. The organic doesnt have as many added ferts as their standard potting soils so I thought it was the way to go for bagseed run.
I started with mg. Now use blackgold,seedling soil and coco blend.
It's not fox farm but I'm having good luck with it. I do add a little lime to seedling soil.
I'm growing in miracle grow organic.I added perlite.It's doing well.However, I have the raunchiest well water ever, and it is WAY too alkaline to use regularly.Try getting some gallons of drinking water and try that a while.You really need to test the ph of your water each time you water.5.9-6.5 is where you're aiming for.If you're adding Epsom salts, but using the same well water, I think you're kinda canceling yourself out.
Yeah my well water is pretty grody too I really need to get something to test my ph levels. Im assuming that it doest matter what kind of test kit I get if I cant find one for gardens, a swimming pool or fish tank one should do the trick right?
They have them at walmart,that should work.Consider buying an actual ph meter, because it's cheaper in the long run than buying multiple disposables.I got mine off ebay for 15 bucks.
Yeah my well water is pretty grody too I really need to get something to test my ph levels. Im assuming that it doest matter what kind of test kit I get if I cant find one for gardens, a swimming pool or fish tank one should do the trick right?
I'm lucky to have great well water. ph runs 6.8-7.8 atm it's about 7. the soilds ppm is about 188. just about don't have to test till they hit flower.
I was under the impression that over watering just caused the leaves to get a little droopy so I was thinking something major was wrong. Its been three days since I watered and the soil felt dry but I think the problem might be that my pots came with those little tray things on the bottom so the water doesnt leak on your floor (just took them off) So it would make sense that the roots could still be saturated even if the top of the soil is dry. Going to let them dry out for another day and then water letting the extra drain off.

I know that miracle grow soils are a no-no compared to fox farms but I couldnt find anywhere that sells it within a few hour drive. My only resources were Walmart and Lowes so the MG Organic seemed like my best bet from the options avalable. The organic doesnt have as many added ferts as their standard potting soils so I thought it was the way to go for bagseed run.

Yeah I think I have the same pots as you, I just transplanted into them today. If so, its gonna be difficult for ya because youre supposed to pop the tabs out from the inside of the pot to release the bottom tray.

For sure if you cant find anything better, the organic MG will do ok. If you have a local nursery they will generally carry a name brand soil mix like Promix or Sunshine. Both of these are great. Mainly just look for something that is nice & "fluffy". The bag should feel light for its size. For that matter Lowes should have something better than organic MG for not much money, maybe even less. Peopla just love that comforting word "organic" lol.

But anyhow, its not the organic MG hurting your plants, Id say its the water at the bottom of those pots. When you water make sure you water the soil all the way tot the edge of the pot, not just around the base of the plant, that helps a lot too.
