Noobie First Time CFL Grow **Nirvana Feminized Blackjack**

First Time Grow Journal *Nirvana Feminized BlackJack*

Well Let me start off by saying Hi R.I.U =D I love smoking bud and have been trolling around on the fourm for the past 3 months and Finally made an account. I got some feminized blackjack seeds from nirvana and germinated one seed with no problems. Quickly realized I didnt have any lights or mediums set up to grow with and Ran off to my local hydro store to get some Fox Farm! Got it ,Planted it ,And its been Vegging on a 24/7 light schedule under 8-23watt CFLs for the past month..**Pics to come tommorrow** Had a slight issue where I once forgot to water it for 48 hours and Learned that Without a fan and water CFLs can Fry your baby =[[ I opened the door after being away for 2 days just to be greeted by my plant sagging so low it was hugging the side of the pot! Looked Dead=[ Threw some water on it and it came right back to life, shit was pretty impressive LoL. After a while tho, maybe a week, the fan leaves that had burnt wernt showing much sign of improvement as far as healing the dead brown spots so I sniped them off. 1 because they looked shitty... and 2 to give my other nodes some Light. So Far Its made a full recovery.

Guess ill just get right into it..
This is a closet grow. Im working with 2 closets with the same dimensions. ~8ftHigh 5ftWide 2ftDeep~ **Expect lots of pics in a day or 2**
Currently Im working with CFL's. Since I happened to have the right spectrum lying around the house(5500) =P Also with my lack of ventilation design I figured less heat would help alot. - plan on getting ventilation set up asap for flowering closet and the heat off the HPS - Im Heading to the store to get some Nutes for my baby tomorrow Since Iv just been using straight FoxFarm so Im hopping to see a big jump in growth ^_^ My Plan is to Have This Plant be the mother to my many many clones to come.

Well guess thats it for now. Im sure it will be more exciting when you guys can see some pics of the plant and the closet To give me input =D

Well thats all for now. TTYL RIU

