Noobie - PLEASE HELP - IDK what's wrong with some of these leaves! 7wk Old Plant


Well-Known Member
give them a teaspoon of cal-mag with your regular nutes to stop it. happens alot with that soil and those nutes. if it is getting worse everyday, i can pretty much be sure that is what it is. I use cal-mag plus from botanicare. it will stop it quickly but the damaged leaves will never recover. just my 2 cents. if it keeps getting worse give it a try, i think it will work for you. it doesn't look like it has gotten too bad but i believe that is the early signs of it.


Well-Known Member
Find out what your PH is first before you go throwing more nutes at it.
That does look like a mag deficiency, but using FF soil and nutes, your PH might be too low, and locking you out.


Well-Known Member
If it were me I wouldn't worry about it. Every grow I get some funny looking leaves but in the end I always produce kick ass bud. In my opinion people worry too fucking much about the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Just look at all those electrical cables ..... a 'FIREMANS DELIGHT', get them tidied or they will tidy you up invert that bucket and place the electrical units on that up and out of the way of any water ....are you a DWARF ...? or just very small ...?