noobie question =)


Active Member
Hi everyone =)

Iv been reading up on everything growing related for hours upon hours recently and im very interested. So iv decided to start my first grow with an aerogarden

So heres the question (might be a stupid one)

How does ventilation come into play with an aerogarden?

im going to be growing in a closet space. my main concern is the smell during the flowering stage and of course i want to control the humidity and temperature? do i have to set up a complicated ventilation system like most of the guides explain?


Active Member
yea iv looked over that guide and have been reading up on alot of others...

i think im just gonna give it a go, maybe put a fan in there or something. ill figure something out lol


Well-Known Member
haha yea i stressed on a fan too, but its not always needed, i mean of course it beneficial, but not always needed, mine are doin just fine with no fan


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2323905]haha yea i stressed on a fan too, but its not always needed, i mean of course it beneficial, but not always needed, mine are doin just fine with no fan[/quote]

I have one. I thought a fan was supposed to help the stems grow stronger from fighting against the wind?
Doesn't it also promote moving fresh air in and out...? Don't know also, if your moving oxygen in does that mean your moving C02 out? I still don't know about generating C02 or how important it is to a good grow, but Target has some little fans that would work great for a closet grow for like $18. Good luck with your grow!


Active Member
i have mine in a closet as well. i leave the closet door open about 6 inches and have a small fan blowing inside the crack (not directly on the plants, but beside them). i have a small fan inside the closet blowing OUT (and over the hot HPS )
the way its set up it kind of creates a cyclone effect and the wind wraps around the plants, and back out the top of the door
most of the time i leave the window open a few inches when i am not around and at night, but i will open it way wide for a few hours every day to get a good amount of fresh air in the room.

I have a DIY co2 bottle with yeast and sugar that i shake up every once in awhile

it works well for me!

how happy would you be locked in a hot closet all day?!


Well-Known Member
im not saying it's not important, but obviously your plant wont die from lack of a fan. . .