Noobie Trying To Grow

Ok, I need help trying to grow. I am completely new at this so please try to bare with me.

1) What is the best soil to use (store bought, coustom, ext.)
2) What are the best lights to use in flowering and vegging.
3) I'm On a very tight bugget and hope to be reciving more funds soon, so if you could include prices i would very much appreciate it.
4) I live near a Walmart, Home Depot, and Lowes. If it helps.
5) FUCK BUGS. Opinions on bug nets would be a bigh help.
If it means anything at all i am currently trying to grow a few reggie seed my friend let me have. I germanated then Tuesday, planted 3 in pots filled with a soil i had bought from the store and planted 2 more in the garden in the front of my house. It has been roughly a week since then. All of which are outside with the sun as their light. I honestly did not expect them to grow to well it was just a strater to give me a taste for what im in for. However one of the seeds has sprouted and has formed little roots.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. From on noob to another. The best thing you can do first is read and use the search option. Look at the sticky threads in the newbie section. They will help you a ton. Best wishes on your grow.


Well-Known Member
I was once a noob so i feel you. im sure your lazy to search. but your not going to learn everything by asking people. Search button is going to become your BEST friend. as well as google. but.. all the info you will need, you will find here. but i can help a little to get u started.

1. Basically a Preference there are lots of good ones. Stay away from Miracle Grow - I personally LOVE Fox Farm - Ocean Forest Brand. FoxFarm has multiple soil brands, i stick to Ocean Forest, it has all the essentials you will need. i.e bat guano earth worm castings, etc.
2. As for lighting you can choose cfls or HPS i use and love my HPS and Metal Halide bulbs. you get a lot more lumen's which is going to help your growth. Metah Halide(MH) for Vegetative Growth & High Power Sodium (HPS) for Flowering Stages.
3. Prices vary all over the place. it depends if your going to buy it from online and have it shipped or go to a local store. i get my supplies here - Great Place!!! You can check prices on there site depending on what you prefer to buy.
4. I'd stay away form all 3. i think its a little shady buying these supplies here and you probably wont find the lighting you need here, unless you go the CFL Route. Also depends where your doing your grow.. if your building a box, I'd hit up Home Depot for building supplies.
5. As for bugs im not to sure i never experienced any bug problems growing indoors with my soil or supplies.

Also look into FoxFarm Nutrients. very good you will need BigBloom / Tiger Bloom/ & grow Big
&& if your moving these plants indoors i would do it A.S.A.P you dont want to get them into shock :)

Hope i was able to help you and get you started
Please +Rep me if i did :) Thanks