NooBs 1st Attempt Cloning (CHOCOLOPE)


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone @ RIU!! This is my 1st ever attempt in cloning a plant. I am a nOOb and I never done this before. I done a lot of reading and followed many threads. I been so lucky to have great friends here @ RIU who have successful grows and are taking time out to help me with all my nOOb troubles. LOL Well I hope this helps and I also hope I do it correctly although I am not 100% sure if it will work but that's why we try and try again.

Plant I am cloning today is Chocolope. I will be cutting the top off as the clone. I got this clone from a friend who didn't know what to do with it. It was in very bad shape but I got it back on track and very strong so I want to clone it to get a nice fresh start with it. I am proud that I got this clone in real nice shape after 3 weeks.

I am going to try my best to make this a successful cloning and a real good thread. So if you want grab a seat and see if I can get this clone rooted.:blsmoke:

Ok here we go, here is how I did it:

BKB Cloner Set-up:


- 25watt CFL(Daylight)
- Empty "Tang" Container
- Top Fin Air Pump
- Black Air Tubing
- Plastic Air Bubbler(Made of Plastic, never dies out $1.99 local pet store)
- Duct Tape/Paper Plat/Mylar
- 1/2" Foamy(Medium)
- Filter sink water (No NUTES comes out at 6.8pH)

Very simple and basic. It was running for 24 hours prior to putting clipping in it and runs and bubbles real nice. I Just hope it works....LOL

First Step (Setting Up to Clone):

The 1st thing I did was to make sure I had everything out on my table needed to clone.
- Alcohol
- Clonex Gel
- Cup of water
- Razor Blade
- Clippers
- Paper Towel
- BKB Cloner
- Chocolope Plant:leaf:

Prior to cloning I made sure to sterilize my Razor Blade before using it. While the blade was soaking in Alcohol, I washed my hands with soap and water and then I used "Hand Sanitizer"
Just wanted to make sure everything is clean and sterile before doing anything.


Second Step (Clipping):

- I am clipping the top off cause it's the healthiest.
- I made my cut about 4 nodes down from the top.
- I cut the stem at a 45 degree angle.
- I made a split approx 1/4" in the middle of where I made my cut. (Hoping for more root developement)
- I then trimmed the bottom two nodes off.
- Dunk the area I cut in a cup of Water.
- Applied the Clonex Cloning Gel on area of cut. (Heavy coat)


Final Step (Clipping in BKB Cloner):

- Took Clipping after a heavy coat of Clonex and put inside the 1/2" Foamy
- Placed foamy with clipping in the top of the BKB Cloner
- Made sure that the cut stem was 100% submerged in water.
- I trimmed the Fan Leaves in half to promote better root developement. (Well thats what I read)
- I put my homemade Mylar cover (made out of a paper plate) on top of the foamy.
- I mist sprayed the clipping and sat it under one 25watt CFL (Daylight) and placed a temp gauge.


Thats it, finished! I hope it works, I never cloned before but did some research and homework on it. I hope I did it correctly, I am sure there are things I might of missed but overall I believe I done my best with no expierence. I am going to keep the light on the clipping 24/0. I already know its a female. Is 24/0 ok? Also it will be in my bathroom which is always humid in there. (Showers)

Please anyone feel free and comment on my 1st Cloning w/my BKB Cloner. Any advice anything, I am all ears and want to learn. I hope this helps someone who has never cloned and most of all I hope it ROOTS!!!!!!:mrgreen:

Bong hits now bongsmilie Smoking :leaf:TRINITY:leaf:

Peace :peace: Everyone,



Well-Known Member
Lookin' good. I've never done it that way, but steps look right to me. BTW cutting the fan leaves reduces transpiration. In other words the stem doesn't have to keep the full leaf moist & alive. Nice write up.


Well-Known Member
Lookin' good. I've never done it that way, but steps look right to me. BTW cutting the fan leaves reduces transpiration. In other words the stem doesn't have to keep the full leaf moist & alive. Nice write up.
Thanks for coming by and reading this thread Daniels. Appreciate the education on cutting the fan leaves. I just hope it works. +REP for comments



Active Member
Man... good job. Not much more I can say other than props for doing your homework.

Oh and by the way, one of the reasons I like bubble-cloners is that you don't have to stress keeping them misted and relative humidity and all that too much. Hope you update the thread with the roots forming.


Well-Known Member
Its great that you provided all the steps you took ans supplies needed. Cant wait to see the results. My stupid ass dropped and lost a germed pineapple express seed last night so im down one but if this works it will save me some money on seeds. thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Man... good job. Not much more I can say other than props for doing your homework.

Oh and by the way, one of the reasons I like bubble-cloners is that you don't have to stress keeping them misted and relative humidity and all that too much. Hope you update the thread with the roots forming.
Thank you Tao...aka "Mentor", you have taught me....aka "Grasshoppa" very well. It was a lot more simple then I thought it would be. I just hope it works. I would +REP but I need to spread before I can give it to you again.

Its great that you provided all the steps you took ans supplies needed. Cant wait to see the results. My stupid ass dropped and lost a germed pineapple express seed last night so im down one but if this works it will save me some money on seeds. thanks for the info
Junya, thanks for coming by and I hope it helps you, I am a nOOb and making mistakes is what will make me a future Super Grower. I have one G-13 Lab"Pineapple Express" and I am saving that for my 3rd grow. I hope this clone gets rooted so it will help you get your own clones! +REP


Well-Known Member
Well nothing much to update other than the water is at a 7.0pH and the stem is showing NO SIGNS of Roots yet but I figure it will take a week or two till it roots. I will post pics and update prolly every other day till roots are spotted. Hope this works, at least it hasnt died yet so thats always a good sign. LOL

I will say this the air pump running all night really drives me nutes, that is one annoying noise:evil:.
Peace all.



Active Member
Yeah just kick back and relax a bit - can take up to a few weeks but it varies a lot. With warm temps I've had roots pop in about 4 days... but I've also had cuttings take up to three weeks... In any case, cuttings will stay viable for a long time in a bubble cloner even if they are slow to root, so don't stress the wait too much.

I usually hang my air pumps from something - usually cuts down the vibration noise a bit. Good idea to hang them anyway if you don't have any check valves on the air tubing.


Well-Known Member
Day 9 Update:

Its now been 9 days since I clipped the top of my Chocolope Plant. The leaves are starting to look lighter in color not sure why but I am only using plain water with no nutes. Also the leaves are wilting and droopy. I tried my best to get a good pic of the stem where its been clipped and there are very little roots just barely popping out, there is a little one popping out on the top right. In the middle you can see where the roots will be coming. I tried different lighting for the best possible pics. I think its working but not sure why the plant is looking so horrible. Any advice on whats going on with my clone please feel free. Does it normally take more than 9 days for a clone to get rooted? Thanks all.

Here are the pics:




Well-Known Member
my first attempt at cloning I built this aero cloner(see photo). It has not only airstones in it but also water pump and sprayers. I figured the water pump and sprayers were overkill but no. I put the clones in the cloner with clonex liquid and a little b52 they never wilted once ....until I forgot to turn on the water pump, they wilted in like 10 minutes, I noticed the water pump not on and corrected and they perked back up.The spray makes a difference, I had 100 percent success in under 7 days.



Active Member
Two things I noticed. 1) is those are big ass clones. I usually take cuttings with 2 or three leaves, never more than 4. You don;t want it to be too big. It will die before the roots form. You want it lean and mean sir! That won;t kill you though, just an observation. 2) Usually when the leaves all yellow a bit, it's ready to start rooting. i think what happens is that the plant uses materials it has stored, and then turns a little yellow as it depletes itself. Anyway it's normal, in fact with some strains i know by the yellowing when I have roots without looking under them.

The write up, and pics though were totally pro! Thanks for the great thread man. +1 love to you


Well-Known Member
my first attempt at cloning I built this aero cloner(see photo). It has not only airstones in it but also water pump and sprayers. I figured the water pump and sprayers were overkill but no. I put the clones in the cloner with clonex liquid and a little b52 they never wilted once ....until I forgot to turn on the water pump, they wilted in like 10 minutes, I noticed the water pump not on and corrected and they perked back up.The spray makes a difference, I had 100 percent success in under 7 days.

Thanks for stopping in....+REP. Very nice set up and your clippings look so healthy...Good work bro. There are a lot of bubbles creating some splashing effect but not like a sprayer. Should I add another Air Bubbler inside of it?




Well-Known Member
Two things I noticed. 1) is those are big ass clones. I usually take cuttings with 2 or three leaves, never more than 4. You don;t want it to be too big. It will die before the roots form. You want it lean and mean sir! That won;t kill you though, just an observation. 2) Usually when the leaves all yellow a bit, it's ready to start rooting. i think what happens is that the plant uses materials it has stored, and then turns a little yellow as it depletes itself. Anyway it's normal, in fact with some strains i know by the yellowing when I have roots without looking under them.

The write up, and pics though were totally pro! Thanks for the great thread man. +1 love to you

Dank, thanks for stopping by...+REP. I kind of thought I clipped alittle too much off my Chocolope but I didnt know any better and I am learning. Funny you mentioned about the yellowing of the leaves cause I noticed it today and I opened to look and there was some of those roots just barely breaking. So maybe it doing what its supposed to be doing...not sure but we will see.



Well-Known Member
Day 9 Update:

Its now been 9 days since I clipped the top of my Chocolope Plant. The leaves are starting to look lighter in color not sure why but I am only using plain water with no nutes. Also the leaves are wilting and droopy. I tried my best to get a good pic of the stem where its been clipped and there are very little roots just barely popping out, there is a little one popping out on the top right. In the middle you can see where the roots will be coming. I think its working but not sure why the plant is looking so horrible. Any advice on whats going on with my clone please feel free. Does it normally take more than 9 days for a clone to get rooted? Thanks all.

You should see bumps too. I think I can from the pics.

Dank, thanks for stopping by...+REP. I kind of thought I clipped alittle too much off my Chocolope but I didnt know any better and I am learning. Funny you mentioned about the yellowing of the leaves cause I noticed it today and I opened to look and there was some of those roots just barely breaking. So maybe it doing what its supposed to be doing...not sure but we will see.

I always look for the cut edges of the leaves to start yellowing. It's those new roots forming & thinking about starting. I think a humidity dome would help, but you're close to roots forming IMO.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for stopping in....+REP. Very nice set up and your clippings look so healthy...Good work bro. There are a lot of bubbles creating some splashing effect but not like a sprayer. Should I add another Air Bubbler inside of it?


Thanks Bekind, I have a pretty big airstone with quite a lot of air being pumped in but that just wasn't enough I guess (since the clones did wilt big time when the pump was off. I CAN NOT bring myself to use nothing but air bubbles, I've got this obsession with sprayers and water pumps. I've found in every application whether its rooting cuttings of finishing a plant to the end, aerospring is the way.


Well-Known Member
You should see bumps too. I think I can from the pics.

I always look for the cut edges of the leaves to start yellowing. It's those new roots forming & thinking about starting. I think a humidity dome would help, but you're close to roots forming IMO.
Well now I can try a Humidity dome on my next clone. I am going to make a 6 site cloner in the near future. Yeah I didnt know if those were white bumps or the actual roots starting to break through. Is there a gauge or tell tale of when its ready to be planted? Thanks for the help Daniels, you are such an awesome grower and I am so lucky to have you help me with all my nOOb questions....LOL

Peace bro



Well-Known Member
Well now I can try a Humidity dome on my next clone. I am going to make a 6 site cloner in the near future. Yeah I didn't know if those were white bumps or the actual roots starting to break through. Is there a gauge or tell tale of when its ready to be planted? Thanks for the help Daniels, you are such an awesome grower and I am so lucky to have you help me with all my nOOb questions....LOL

Peace bro

I wait for several roots 1/2" to 1" then plant. 80% to 90% RH is ideal so I have all clones into domes for a week or two.
Both ways I clone
7-9 Bubble Cloner with dome cropped.jpgClone dome.jpg


Active Member
Just my two cents into here, while YES bubble cloners do the job, and YES they are somewhat quick. I'm still too lazy to get one myself. Also just because something is cool doesn't mean its neccessary (believe me guys I'm not starting anything with this, I hope not lol)

All I do is take my cuttings, take a cup, walk to my bathroom sink, put about a 1/4 inch of water in it, drop the cutting in, and place it under my t5's. I get roots in about 7 to 14 days.
No rooting hormones, No misting, No humidty domes, just scissors, water, and a a cup.
Heres a pic of some clones I took 8 days back, as well as a pic of the roots on "the biggest" clone out of them, shes actually the one that started first.

Alot of the reason yours is taking so long is due to the fact that it was a top, I take all of mine frome the lower/mid portions of the plant. However I have also done it with tops. I've noticed that using this waterglass cloning method will show you the difference in rooting times.
If I take a clone from the bottom portion and stick it in water it takes about 7-9 days to start rooting
If I take one from the middle, It takes about anywhere from 9 to 13 days,
and if I use tops it usually takes them around 2 to almost 3 weeks sometimes.
The best advice I can give, is to make the cleanest cuts possible when you take them, and take care not to smash the stems and leaves in any way.

I've also noticed theres a certain "stage" that the clones go through, this is the part of what I see in your pics, she's going to root pretty soon, once those little white bumps start forming, they usually take off.clones 001.jpgclones 002.jpg


Active Member
Funny you mentioned about the yellowing of the leaves cause I noticed it today and I opened to look and there was some of those roots just barely breaking. So maybe it doing what its supposed to be doing...not sure but we will see.
I'm a another stoner who over the years now has seen about a zillion clones get started, lol.