nooby cloning question


iv never cloned before and i want to start getting into that and reason why is because i want to start the sea of green method i keep reading about and wanting to do. the only part im not fully understand is the harvest every 2 weeks. (which is the main idea...) so im just wondering if i grow a mother plant then 2 weeks into that plant growing i take a clipping from it for a clone will that clone be ready for harvest 2 weeks after the mother plant is ready for harvest??? making it so i get a harvest every 2 weeks and continue with that cycle???


your thinking perpetual harvest not SOG.

your post also confuses me so ill just say what to do.

You need BOTH a veg room and a flower room (essential for perpetual). Take a bunch of clones (more then needed so you can pick the good ones). Pick the best one and that will be plant "A"

Next step is you put plant A in the veg room. After 2 weeks you put plant A in the flower room and take another clone out (plant "B") and put it in the veg room to start.

Then after 2 weeks you put plant "B" in the flower room and take another clone out (plant c) and place in the veg room.

Takes a while to build up but when you do it right you will get a "perpetual harvest" and be yielding every 2 weeks.

Hopes that makes sense GL!