Nor Cal, delayed flowering?

Please give me more details. I know one looks sickly for sure, but other than a bunch of itty bitty white things I’ve seen every year and a couple of bud worms, I have not seen anything else in the canopy, or I’ve been blind to them. I’ve been spraying with BT periodically, having spray two days ago. Appreciate the help!
Looks like a mite infestation
Maybe more
Weather folks here still not 100% on rain between Sunday and Tuesday, although it's likely we'll get some, and possibly a lot. Prepared to move my plants like 8 feet into the dayroom to keep them out of the rain for a few days. They'll still get indirect light since all side of the dayroom except one are open
My plants are in the ground so moving is not an option. After the rain I’ll spray with potassium hydroxide to adjust the pH to a less than desirable condition for mold.
First off, thanks to everyone who spotted the infestation in my grow and provided info. First time I’ve had this problem and I mistakenly thought the discoloration was residue from foliar spraying and recent very light and short rain showers. This grow is prolly screwed, but I’m looking for treatment options over in the Plant Problems thread. I think I only hit these plant with a Neem oil foliar spray 1-2 times this versus 6-8 times in previous two years, thinking top dressing with Neem meal would be sufficient. That was dumb.
38.5816° N

That's not too far North at all. Any wildfires in the area? On the West Coast in Canada last year a lot of growers reported longer flowering times due to the fires in the region affecting air quality and sunlight penetration.
EDIT: Spelling, I'm stoned.
That's not too far North at all. Any wildfires in the area? On the West Coast in Canada last year a lot of growers reported longer flowering times due to the fires in the region affecting air quality and sunlight penetration.
EDIT: Spelling, I'm stoned.

Yup, we have the Mosquito fire in the next county over, may have heard about that on the news. That just started within the past few weeks, and we will get a bit of smoke depending which way the winds blows. There are a fair amount of fires in Nor Cal yearly, but this spring and summer none that caused any dimming of sun or air quality issues up until past week or so. I wonder if maybe the sun is more intense, the heat sure was even for here. Plants didn't seem to mind and grew well. All I know is something odd is going on this year. Longest day of the year is June 21, in years past I'd see flowering begin by late July
Yup, we have the Mosquito fire in the next county over, may have heard about that on the news. That just started within the past few weeks, and we will get a bit of smoke depending which way the winds blows. There are a fair amount of fires in Nor Cal yearly, but this spring and summer none that caused any dimming of sun or air quality issues up until past week or so. I wonder if maybe the sun is more intense, the heat sure was even for here. Plants didn't seem to mind and grew well. All I know is something odd is going on this year. Longest day of the year is June 21, in years past I'd see flowering begin by late July

If no previous experience with the cultivars, and no impacts from the smoke until recently, it could be the genetics. Not many people breed for outdoor performance anymore, too busy chasing a 30% THC level and geared primarily for indoor growing. There is a reason nature didn't produce plants growing calyx's with trichomes caking every square micron of surface area :)
Yup, we have the Mosquito fire in the next county over, may have heard about that on the news. That just started within the past few weeks, and we will get a bit of smoke depending which way the winds blows. There are a fair amount of fires in Nor Cal yearly, but this spring and summer none that caused any dimming of sun or air quality issues up until past week or so. I wonder if maybe the sun is more intense, the heat sure was even for here. Plants didn't seem to mind and grew well. All I know is something odd is going on this year. Longest day of the year is June 21, in years past I'd see flowering begin by late July

Just looked into your region, and your situation is nothing like British Columbia with wildfires raging. In Canada near your longitude we have the Rocky Mountains, which basically held all the smoke and heat in British Columbia and made it worse for growers there.
How's everyone's plants holding up with the rain?
Wait till it's over to see how bad it is.
I know one thing that may make people grin.
The Late Show with Stephan Cobert announced in his monologue that there was a danger the Harvest could be bad this year because of fires and such.
That got an audience reaction.

God Speed guys!
At least you know a lot of folks are wishing you all well for an excellent harvest.
How's everyone's plants holding up with the rain?
Wait till it's over to see how bad it is.
I have been worried, it rained a lot here in Santa Cruz County…
I built a cover for my two plants but I had to harvest one a little early because it wasn't doing well after the first day of rain. The mold was starting and with the constant wetness I just knew it had to come down.
the cover held up well the plants stayed dry underneath so hopefully that will let them finish properly. They are Tahoe OG clones and have been dealing with thrip, aphid and some others.
Rain here on and off since last night. Mine still in the covered dayroom, looks like rain will gone Wednesday-ish, so indirect light from the two open walls of the room will have to do for now.

Found what may be budworm eggs this morning, whatever they were, I didn't find them on the tops bud areas but in the lower, partly hidden ones. I really don't want to spray with BT with how damp the air is, but guess I have to
Rain here on and off since last night. Mine still in the covered dayroom, looks like rain will gone Wednesday-ish, so indirect light from the two open walls of the room will have to do for now.

Found what may be budworm eggs this morning, whatever they were, I didn't find them on the tops bud areas but in the lower, partly hidden ones. I really don't want to spray with BT with how damp the air is, but guess I have to
I have been using this stuff “Lost coast plantTherapy” got a free sample last year and it has worked well for bugs on contact and mold and mildew. The downside is you have to spray entire surfaces of plant because it works on contact. I was hesitant to do that in flower so I first used it only on one plant. I love it! it dries so fast and worked very well as a preventative and knocked powder mildew right off. I had to hit the plants with bugs a couple times, used every day then gradually down to every week. I use 1/4 tsp in a 16 oz of water. I didnt PH the water or add any surfactant. I think its good for small grows because it can take some time to get every surface sprayed!
I also used Regalia CG and that really helped keep mold and mildew away. Kind of pricey and difficult to find but it also works so well!
Bought a 10x10 tent and it covered 1 plant entirely and the two on the sides were sticking out 1/3 of the way the day before the rains came.
Next day it rained all day, got home to find one of the plants on the end, all the branches that were hanging out had snapped and were soaked. Shook and tied them back up. The other end plant didn't break any branches but was soaked. I shook them out best I could and hit them with my leaf blower when there was a break in the rain. Right after I had finished it started pouring buckets and continued the rest of the night.
Had the early shift today didn't have time to shake them before I left, but it seems the rain had stopped. Just got home, moved the tent and found two tops of the colas of both the end plants moldy and rotting. These were buds that were under the tent though. Snipped them off, but I'm sure there will be more to come since both plants still don't feel dry. Hoping some sun on them for a few hours will help.
Mine got a direct hit. Absolutely saturated. All bent over touching the ground. Not one single broken stalk or branch. The rain stopped yesterday at 5pm. I have 1 to 3 weeks to go before harvest. In order to reduce weight and increase air flow I defoliated everything today. All dry and standing up now and headed to the finish line.


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