Nor-Cal Storm on the way


Well-Known Member

What next storm I am in the Vally between SF and Sacramento (somwhere lol) we got a nice down pour last night but the weather says light showers this morning giving way to clouds and sun for tomorrow then full on sun and mid 80s for all week long. What NEXT storm?


Well-Known Member
haha, you're nowhere near me. I'm literally 50 miles away from the oregon boarder. /really/ norcal. we got a lot of rain but we're supposed to have another storm soon, that's what I mean by NEXT storm. tomorrow it's suppost to be just dry and windy but the storm is probably gonna come in a few more days. either way, I'll be getting a tarp today.

you're lucky as you have a very small area to cover with tarp. we have to cover a 16x16 sqft area.


Well-Known Member
i covered my plants 3 days ago. i see powdery mildew starting on my lower branches. i have an industrial fan in there but it's still showing up. i'm gonna start chopping.


Well-Known Member
that's a shame. I keep mine trimmed well, atleast this year. so hopefully I don't have too many (if any) mold problems.


Well-Known Member
i covered my plants 3 days ago. i see powdery mildew starting on my lower branches. i have an industrial fan in there but it's still showing up. i'm gonna start chopping.
took mine in lastnight and brought them back out you know if itis suppose to rain anymore?


Active Member
I am in Central Valley. Got only a 1/4 inch of rain. How long do I wait to harvest after the rain? Will this lil shower hurt my buds?:confused:


Well-Known Member
didn't hurt mine. shake them off gently, make sure you get any excess water off. a day of sun and a slight breeze will get rid of the rest.


Well-Known Member
We didn't get much rain at all either. I'm rather disappointed, as I'd said earlier I haven't done any watering around the property for days. I was hoping this would be a good soaking, alas, no.

We've got streams that have run dry that people don't remember ever seeing dry before. Caples Lake is nothing but a mud puddle (it helps that the water agency drained it, I guess, but that means if it doesn't snow enough up at Kirkwood, they ain't makin' any because they draw off Caples).

It sounds as though 100% humidity is just as bad as letting it rain. Mildew, mold, both equal destruction, don't they?


Well-Known Member
Shit! I was so stoked I kept my plants dry I did not see it till I started taking the tarp down 3 of my good branches broke due to wind I guess So been harvesting the 3 branches for the last 2 hours, I will post a pic of it when done The tricombs are cloudy with a few amber but wanted to wait till next week end to harvest the rest of the plant but just smoked a bud I started drying last week and it is BOMB! so I think it will be Bomb smoke.


Well-Known Member
Well the sun is out, it rained like a bastard last night and the ground is soaked. None of my branches are broken and all my buds were dry by noon. No mold.

When the sun shines in my valley, it gets so arid and hot that mold could not propagate. And I have a feeling that last night, when all my buds were soaking wet, that the temperatures were too low for mold spores to develop.

My plants just got a big pre-harvest flush with ph-neutral rainwater.


Well-Known Member
Well the sun is out, it rained like a bastard last night and the ground is soaked. None of my branches are broken and all my buds were dry by noon. No mold.

When the sun shines in my valley, it gets so arid and hot that mold could not propagate. And I have a feeling that last night, when all my buds were soaking wet, that the temperatures were too low for mold spores to develop.

My plants just got a big pre-harvest flush with ph-neutral rainwater.
you wouldn't see mold yet


Well-Known Member
most of my plants were bent to the ground this morning.. :-(
one branch split, but not entirely broken.. might be dead tomorrow..
i'm thinking next year i'll have at least wire cages to hold them up.. maybe even tarps for the rain..
i was really dismayed - it looked like a bear had tromped through them...