NorCal 100% Organic Sun-Grown 2013


Active Member
Hi guys,

I'm back from over a year-long hiatus from posting on riu.

After the two 6-plant set up indoor grows with FF products (please check out my signature) and my first outdoor grow with five 10-gal pot outdoor grow AND much research and the resulting obsession with healthy living soil, this year I have started a 100% organic super soil grow with 18 girls under the sun. The strains are the following.

6 Cannalope Haze
4 Cheese
3 Maui Waui
3 Girl Scout Cookies
1 Platinum Purple Kush
1 Kandy Kush

I got the clones of different sizes on May 16. Repotted two weeks later with mycorrhizea spores dusted on the roots. We had a week-long brutal heat wave with over 100 degrees. It ended up with 115 and 118 last weekend. The poor girls experienced a number of extreme stress starting from going into flower then back to veg (especially Maui Waui and Cannalope) from being indoor to outdoor (he must have been growing under a 18/6 cycle. I should have asked!), transplanting shock, then nute burn/overwatering (stupid me...), then the heat wave. Their growth was completely stunted and lost lots of lower leaves from the bottom. The growth tips were lime green. After the heat wave passed, it's back to the normal 80s to lower 90s high to low in 50s, and finally the girls are starting to catch up with the big setbacks as far as I can tell. They are now fully back to veg and slowly becoming greener expect one or two. (I may end up with 17 plants at this point.) I used supercropping on Cannalope, which was stretching a lot from going into the flowering mode, trying to level the canopy, but it wasn't a greatest idea for this particular strain at the particular stage of life, either. Other girls were easy to LST since they were still much smaller. I even think that revegging had a positive effect on some, especially in Maui Waui. The internode got shorter and it shows very bushy and dense lateral growth, except they are still trying get out of the 3-leaf stage.

In the mean time, I prepared the super soil mixture based on Subcool's and the recipes from a few other. It was made with 14 20-gallon bags of Roots Formula 707 amended with -

High N guano
High P guano
Blood meal
Bone meal
Steer manure
Chicken manure
Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal
Epsom Salt
Humic acid powder

It was then inoculated with AACT and got cooked and turned for 3 weeks under the sun. It did generate incredible amount heat from itself. The bags were HOT! After they cooled down, I cut it with compost and transplanted my girls into a larger pot before the heat wave.

We've been digging 18 holes in our yard by hand. Each hole fits a 15-gallon pot and there is still a few inches all around it. I predrilled about 30 holes in the bottom 2/3 of the pot with a 1-inch diameter drill bit for drainage, aeration and for the roots to extend into the surrounding soil, which is also fortified with some of the super soil amendments before the the pots are buried in ground, then filled with mostly super soil, humus, more EWC, chunky perlite and just a touch of the native soil (high in clay and dark-color) mixed in. Three Cannalope of various recovery stages crawling out of the stress and shock were already transplanted into those pots in ground for testing a few days ago and they are doing very well so far. We will put the rest of the girls one by one daily for the next week or so. We just foliar-sprayed the girls tonight with liquid kelp, SuperThrive and compost tea mixture, hoping this would help them recover quicker.

I'll post the pictures very soon. (I wish I could do that directly from my iPhone!)

Thanks for reading. Feel free to sub me for the future postings and pictures!

Happy growing,