norcal outdoor grow trim or no trim... leaves you decide, comment, which will yield


Well-Known Member
personally I would have left them alone....

I only trim plants when they're atleast 4 feet tall and have a lot of under-stuff by the time they hit full flowering the first week you can tell (if you're experienced) which branches will produce and which will not. I don't recommend newbies even attempt to figure this out until they've been growing atleast 2-3 years.


Im just hoping it makes a difference, hopefully a positive effect, but mostlikely itll end with a bad result, but every time it comes up, looks like people are talked out of trimming, so never got a real answer, noone ever stayed up with it and made updates either on what they did and how it turned out.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
I like to see side by side experiments/comparisons, keep up with it and post results. Your plants look great and i don't give a shit how you feed them. They look healthy, good job!


little update, no real change on the trimmed plant vs the non trimmed plant, neither outgrew one or the other.ResizedImage951347324304129.jpgResizedImage951347324284769.jpgl

my conclusion after over fifteen days, is that i either trimmed too late and it didn't matter by then, or that leaves only serve their purpose during the vegetative stage, on a side note my plants looked really nice, so nice i donated them to an admirer. he had taken these pics for me, and he is going to trim the other one too considering, its worm season, and its easier to spray for worms and allow the colas to dry without leaves rather than with them on.
trim right when u flip and ull save alot of trimming popcorn in the end ive learned over lots of years of experiance that trimming the inside of a sativa dominate multi topped plants still gives u the same weight but less time trimming popcorn