North Carolinian growers opinions...


I'm a tad south of NC. But I planted my babes on March 13. I planted 4 from seed, then found one with 2 sets of leaves growing out of a crack in the pavement in front of my garage, transplanted it, then found two growing in the edge of my yard... (I drop too many seeds.) I transplanted those and now have a total of six babes. Three of them already have two sets of 3 fingered leaves. They seem to be doing fine other than persistent spider mites... where would I buy Neem Oil? and how would I apply it to my plants?


Active Member
im pretty sure you can get neem oil at your local nursery shouldnt be to hard to get ahold of as far as applying it I have no idea. I have not used it I got a recipe for an insecticidal soap that works grand and I havent had a bug problem in the very few years i've been growing. that recipe is Ivory soap and water in a spray bottle. just take the soap put ehh about 15 or 16 drops in a spray bottle of water should work well for ya.