north korea launches ICBM capable of hitting U.S. while trump golfs


Well-Known Member
he's not going to sit around and wait for something to happen so he can say he was in the oval office when something random happened.

The president does not run the country physically, he makes final decisions when necessary. He just needs to be able to be reached by phone.

If you believe that him golfing has any effect on this country or its security then we will have to agree to disagree.

Weird considering the orange-topped fuck even said himself he won't have time for golf or much, as he would be too busy with things that actually matter.

But... another lie, again.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
this concludes your rocket science lesson today folks. Your home work for the weekend involves building your own rocket and sharing resolts with class on Monday.
TacoTruck can build a rocket with Miracle Gro.
North Korea is not the belligerent nation here. WE ARE. They've been defending themselves from American aggression since the Korean War started over 50 years ago.

Viewed in this context, their weapons program makes perfect sense.

Am I defending them? No. North Korea is a serial human rights abuser with a certified nutjob running the show. That said, they think the US is out to get them and FWIW they haven't been wrong about that since the 1940s.

They're building a weapons program for self defense. Considering how many other nations America has invaded, sanctioned, toppled and subverted over the past few decades, they have every right to be very afraid.

So exactly who is the real bogeyman here? Yes they are shitty to their people, but we've killed a million Iraqi civilians during our wars there. Since when did it become our job and duty to preemptively stop other tyrants?

Since the military industrial complex figured out how to get rich from it, that's when.
LOL :eyesmoke:

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Please quote where I ever said anything other than "I'm NOT a Lawyer."

I have said I'm not a lawyer on no less than 5 occasions, two within the last week. I have said I am a teacher.

Stop being a complete fucking idiot.
How sad.

Why do we let complete imbeciles teach our children...? :dunce:

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I thought he was put in by the electoral college. I am not to blame I do not vote.
By not voting, you and others like you are to blame.

He was put into power by the American democratic voting system. The same system that America tells the world is superior than any other system. He was elected by this system to represent you and the American people. Like it or not.

If you dont vote I'm not sure you have earn't the right to comment on politics. After all if you don't care enough to vote why take the time to care to comment? You are happy to get whats given to you. Kinda like a beaten down dog.
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