Northeast in Vermont Rain


Well-Known Member
Hey All,
I am wondering with all the monitoring you all indoor growers with watering, my plants are outside for the next three days its going to be raining. I am worried this will be to much rain and not enough sunshine. I have no indoor grow only an room over a garage with window should I put them out of the rain or keep them outside? They are in pots so I can move them about!!!! They have shown their sex and growing fine so I think outside in the wild they would have to grin and bear it should I move or not to move?


Well-Known Member
unless its going to monsoon on them, I wouldn't worry. As long as they are in big, draining pots, you should be fine. I would worry if the youngins are in those baby pots, those ones you germinate in --- then-- they would get drowned as there is much less soil to dissipate the water.

You gotta grow up sometime!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for getting back with me. Yeah I figured that but this is my first grow and I like to keep things simple with my girls.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just an update still raining got one more day checked plants doing fine. I believe this is what they need to get ready when the sun shines they will grow like crazy. Love this plant!!!! :weed:

virus effect

Active Member
growing in the northeast your plants will have to get used to shitty weather, only weather i worry about is hard wind and hail storms