Northeast storming!!!!!also need help with a guy and girl


Active Member
Well the northeast has been gettin pounded by a noreaster
(certain places worse than others gusts of 50 here tons of rain!!!!)
this storm came at A perfect time for my girl ( I hope??) Funny story actually I had one bagseed I had planted out in a dark shaded area of the wooods
and i really didn't have much hope for it. I grew out 3 others and 2 turned male, and one was murdered!!!!!the plant in the woods was cropped by myself once and split her up the middle (hehe). This plant aLso has nothing but 3 or 4 fingered leaves very strange. Anyways I really didn't take care of it and let it go. The low light and protected arrea made for very weak stems and then the critters got to it....... Luckily for me natur helped meout o. This one. The animal ate both the tops that I had cropped to my surprise these split again! So mow there is four tops thanks to mothr nature. Cool. Then a few branches broke it's cool to see how where they rpair themselves the plant has a bulge or bubble where the stem cracked. She began to preflowers a week or so ago. After All that my only girl was the most stressed with the most tops!!!! So I have took her out of the ground and put her in a nice soil mix with perlite and good soil in 5 gal bucket. Her growth was stunted like I said and the stems are a bit weak but she's a girl! HeLthy looking just kinda stunted. So now that I transplant this huge storm comes in!! I'm guessing I actually transplanted at a good time. I put her in a place where thr wind will strengthen her stems but not blow her down but I'm a bit worried about allll this t
rain we've been getting. I could really use some help on what to do next and also what nutes should I switch to as thr preflowers haveshown and she's deft girl.
I will include pics later. Funny how she's Got nothin but 3 fingered leaves. So now I need to grow out as much as I can while she flowers due to the early stress.
Suggestions and comments please!!?

Check out the pics of her First was in the ground second was after transplanting....check it out nothing but 3 finger leaves



Active Member
yes she was not going to make it where she was no light, horrible soil, and animals eating everything....big problem???


Well-Known Member
why would you stress her more diging her up. what kind of soil did you put her in? and those pics are how old?


Well-Known Member
never try and move plants this close to harvest i really hurts the yeild?. yours is small so i guess it i wouldnt hurt. id give it some super thrive for sure.


Active Member
read the post man she was DYING the soil didnt drain at all and it got no light after 3 months she was a foot tall....... Now in some nice clean potting soil 5 gal bucket with lots of perlite to help restart the root growth.... I think that all this rain would have killed her if i left her in the ground......we must habe gotten 5 inches in the last 2-3 days
Pics are anout 5 days to a week old