Northern California; Smoke in the closet


duno howto post on here hope i do it right. dude this gdaddy is lookin super bomb cant wait to smell its crystally goodness
:bigjoint::bigjoint:Yeah it smells hella bomb! well today was an awesome day. I got some gravity and found out that I got a job. Things keep lookin' better. Here's some pictures of today, Thinkin' about letting it go for 9 weeks instead of 8 so I can see her in all her purple glory. Snapped off a super low brach and dried it in the vape at 280 and the smoke was killer, helped me pass out like no other. Enjoy her photo-op. soon Bud Swellington and Redwood Village can join me in some Granddaddy smoke!:bigjoint::bigjoint:



:leaf::leaf:Sorry I havent put up pictures but Ive been helping a freind move and been kinda busy. Still havent uploaded pictures because I gatta go help him finish moving and then either tonight or tomorrow I will post pictures.:leaf::leaf:


:cry::cry:I cant find me camera so I cant take pictures of week 7 yet and week 6 is already on the camera. Hopefully find it before tuesday!:cry::cry:


:hump::hump:alright, I found my camera and have pictures of week 6 but week 7 has no pictures. Soon I will take pictures and post week 8 by tonight or tomorrow morning! Startin' to turn purple and extremely dank!:hump::hump:

