Hey all hoping there are some noco people in here. Just wanted to connect with folks in the area. I am in foco.
I have quite the collection of variwties and am always looking to expand and into new seeds. Also looking for some local testers.
FOCO? WTF is that? Flat old Colorado? Out east where it looks like Kansas? Dreadful place.
Fort Collins. It's a front range community just like Boulder, only better because less snobs, social climbers and wannabes.
Fuck pueblo I moved from there. Limiting everyone on plant counts :/ I moved to a city where the city desperately needs the money... where they're not gonna go Ape shit like pueblo tried to do. Glad I always stay under my plant count.Where is everyone in Pueblo, Co ?
I wish! I had an awesome blueberry x cheese back in the day.Anyone have blueberry going in this group? Have a blueberry muffin X Hogs breath male that wants to breed with your female blueberry cross. The original seeds was from a member of this group as a gift. Just don't want to lose these excellent genetics. The male looks and smells amazing. Can do just a branch pollenation using paintbrush to limit seed numbers. Also have a male peanut butter plant pollen ready as well. Quality results from solid genetics.
Keep me in the loop.Thinking about doinga potoberfest for 2019 in October.
Private party contest for strains with 3 judges. You can enter a strain for judging, eat some food, and enjoy watching 3 judges smoke and evaluate your strain.. Feel free to trade seeds.
If you have attended before or Want to go pm