Northern Light Nirvana CFL grow


Active Member
Youre doing a great job with this plant the top lst all nicely done. I also really like that youre doing it all with cfls. Im in a cfl grow currently with bag seed just for fun and to have something to smoke. Would you mind getting a pic of your lights i am curious to see how you have them set up.
This should give u a general idea of what I've got going.


Well-Known Member
Really like your use of the lattice. Great Ideal. Im using some plastic lattice at the bottom of cab , pots sitting on top suspended couple inches off ground , makes my cleanup after water speedy.


Active Member
Really like your use of the lattice. Great Ideal. Im using some plastic lattice at the bottom of cab , pots sitting on top suspended couple inches off ground , makes my cleanup after water speedy.
I assume your growing in soil? Do you water to a certain amount of runoff? I ask bc I never do yet I use a half a gallon each time I water (3 gallon pot). I know you're supposed to water to 20 percent runoff in a hydro setup like Coco coir. But I'm unsure about soil.


Well-Known Member
Yeah growing in ffof amended with happy frog dry fert. Fed cal-mag and Tapping roots (free stuff) , molasses.
on runoff I water good with about 15-20 percent 1st , then followed next water for most minimum run with good coverage , vise versa with feed and just plain ph'd water.


Active Member
I think for my next grow aside from mixing some dolomite lime into the soil, I'm gonna build some sort of shelf made out of chicken wire or something so I can get some good runoff going in between feedings like u say u do. Will sure make it alot easier to pH test the runoff to see what my root system is at.

I appreciate all the tips and compliments guys, I'm reading my ass off and soaking it up like a sponge. IMG_2052.jpg


Active Member
Day 41 from flower.

Got home from work and my wife has been doing a great job caring for Jane the last few weeks and updating me with pics almost daily.

I received my new grow equipment in the mail yesterday and got it all set up woo-hoo! 4x4x6.5 Apollo tent with 600 watt MH/HPS light. So I moved Jane in there to let her finish out under some epic lumens :cool:. Anyway, I'm really excited for my next grow now with this new setup. I believe to be about 10 days or so from harvest on this girl.
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Mean Gene

Well-Known Member
You have both done an amazing job with that plant. Im jealous of the set up now. Are you gonna do a new journal for your first tent grow?


Active Member
You have both done an amazing job with that plant. Im jealous of the set up now. Are you gonna do a new journal for your first tent grow?
I do plan on doing another journal for the next grow. Not sure if I'll continue it on this thread or just make another. But I'm planning on growing 4 plants in the next grow. Last week I ordered fem seeds of Bubblelicious and Aurora Indica both from Nirvana. So I'm going to use the last 2 NL and then one of each of the two new seeds.


Active Member
Day 43 flowering

Looking like a boss lady and starting to swell up nicely. Seems to be responding really well to the new hps lighting. New grow tent set up has stayed about 7-10 degrees cooler than the previous cfl grow box I made so I'm extremely happy about that. 20150507_121327.jpg 20150507_121044.jpg 20150507_121335.jpg 20150507_121343.jpg 20150507_121351.jpg 20150507_121401.jpg


Well-Known Member
What nutes do you use? im all subbed up. Mine grew different in veg, decided to do a "crappy mainline" for lack of a better term. now that i have the omg CAL issue handled it looks like its snapping back.
I've never seen the bushy type of NL. It's always been less leaf than bud but man yours is just FAT. So jelly at the fatness lol.


Active Member
What nutes do you use? im all subbed up. Mine grew different in veg, decided to do a "crappy mainline" for lack of a better term. now that i have the omg CAL issue handled it looks like its snapping back.
I've never seen the bushy type of NL. It's always been less leaf than bud but man yours is just FAT. So jelly at the fatness lol.
Thanks alot man! I guess I got lucky with this NL pheno I got bc this is my first NL grow. I was under the impression this is how it's supposed to look (short and bushy). Also I'm using Jacks All purpose fertilizer and Jacks Blossom Booster with a Earth juice Cal mag supplement. If you go back and look through this thread you'll see all I did to her was top her once after the 4th node and then a little lst and wala, here she is.


Well-Known Member
Looking Good , better than my first run with her which I cut at 67 days 12/12 , 45 g dry + trim and lowers. Currently got the second gen and 3rd clones in flowering 39 and 25 days 12/12. Though stunted due to low soil temps a little. Dont want to invade your journal but if you want to see pics, more than happy to post.

Edit: And yeah This Nirvana NL fem is very bushy high leave to bud ratio. Almost to much!


Active Member
Looking Good , better than my first run with her which I cut at 67 days 12/12 , 45 g dry + trim and lowers. Currently got the second gen and 3rd clones in flowering 39 and 25 days 12/12. Though stunted due to low soil temps a little. Dont want to invade your journal but if you want to see pics, more than happy to post.

Edit: And yeah This Nirvana NL fem is very bushy high leave to bud ratio. Almost to much!
I would like to see some pics of your girl. Post away my friend


Active Member
Day 57 flowering

Most hairs have curled in and started to turn red, most of the trichs appear to be cloudy as well. Had a really good rainstorm this morning so I was able to collect about 20 gallons of rain water and then flushed her with about 7 gallons of it. Getting her ready for harvest in the next week or so.

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