Northern Lights Cabinet Grow..First Time

Hey arch, so remember I just recently (after reading ur thread on this) made it rain quite heavily on my girls for the first time. I did just as you said and when the soil was barely begining to dry (that was yesterday) I fed them their normal mixture of nutes and bloom enhancers. When I got home today my ladies were exploding with brand new "starbursts" full of fresh white pistils, all new growth. Proof is in the pudding! I'm sold on the technique!
Yeppers! That original thread is like gold! CHIEF has made many people happy by sharing that information. Glad its working for you as well!
Took a few more pictures today. I want a good reference of day to day growth so I am hoping to be posting pictures at least every other day.



looking great arch. so much frost on those leaves, hard to believe it's only been flowering for a couple of weeks. looks like she's responding well to the bloom nutes!
From what I read NL's are high resin producers. I guess they werent joking. I may be a couple of days off but I am 100% sure that she hasnt been flowering more than 13 days. I looked back at the previous pictures myself to see if i missed
What's up Arch? Man your baby is making it snow:) She just loves posing all gorgeous like in that chair:) My blue mystic San turned hemie on me. It could be due to topping it, not a good idea with autos or at least not the seeds I have. Joni the other blue mystic looks just fine, I will have to wait a few days to see if it's a true female.
Just came across your grow! I love NL and am gonna sub for the rest of this grow. Love seeing MJ flower. Its awesome.

+rep for awesome strain and a great job on the LST.
Hey arch, is she still getting just water? If so you should look into buying molasses , my girls got their first dose today, and im going to see the results tommorow .. but with everything ive h3ard about it , it may be somthing to look into to pump your girls up in the last semester of their flowering
Amazing job on ur LST man!

Thanks mass..the way she is growing now, I am damn lucky and glad I did it. I am hoping that maybe she will only grow another few inches in height or I am going to have to pull a rabbit out of my hat. LST is the shit though for height restricted grows. I would tell anyone with concerns to study it before starting a grow.

What's up Arch? Man your baby is making it snow:) She just loves posing all gorgeous like in that chair:) My blue mystic San turned hemie on me. It could be due to topping it, not a good idea with autos or at least not the seeds I have. Joni the other blue mystic looks just fine, I will have to wait a few days to see if it's a true female.

Muchas Gracious big CHIEF! Yeah this girl is only 11 days flowering and she is going to be sticky icky if I can get her finished. I went back over my whole thread yesterday and its an amazing journey to say the least. Thanks for hanging with me and all of the advice bro..this girl is part you man. Sorry to hear about San..Ill make a note that if I ever do autos, not to mess with them before they sex up.

she's looking great arch!! great job man.

LOL...Now, not to take away from anyone else that has been a part of my girls life, I get to say thanks again to my mentor incarnate CD. Following your threads, links and advice has been a major help and confidence boost to me. Its folks like you and other that make being a part of RUI more than worth it. No , we are not high tech growers but this band of ragtags has managed to produce some very good And Smelly Treez..if your out there..special props.

Just came across your grow! I love NL and am gonna sub for the rest of this grow. Love seeing MJ flower. Its awesome.

+rep for awesome strain and a great job on the LST.

Nice to have ya D.tea! How is the smoke? I have never smoked it and am curious. I am happy so far that the smell has been very low. I can get really close and smell her and its really good, but she doesnt stink up the place at all.

Hey arch, is she still getting just water? If so you should look into buying molasses , my girls got their first dose today, and im going to see the results tommorow .. but with everything ive h3ard about it , it may be somthing to look into to pump your girls up in the last semester of their flowering

Sup GC. My girl has had her first dose of bloom nutes and already has had one dose of molasses. her schedule for watering goes like this....make it rain, wait a few days for her to dry some, feed ph water and molasses, wait, make it rain, wait , ph water and bloom nutes, rinse and repeat. I purchased molasses at the start. I did some pretty extensive research before I began and it became a part of my game plan.

By the way shes looking soo happy

Yeah bro she is! Im loving on her as much as I can...Daddy needs his

Subbing to this for sure!
Thanks for checking out my grow, looks like I'm just a little behind you!

They look beautiful! I hope mine look this good.

Awesome KoB! For those of you out there that are music aficianados, KoB makes some killer music. It may not fit all tastes but I am very eclectic and its well worth the listen.

Shiminayeaha! I gotta be careful, if my girls new I was looking at this bud porn they might leave me!

P.S you should write a book, I would buy it.

Thanks for the vote FFA but if I wrote a book it would mostly be links and footnotes giving credit to all of the folks that went before me. Maybe in twenty years when I have enough experience and have done my own thing for

Just make sure that when you get all worked up over the porn that you direct it back to your girls..they will be fine...hahahahaha.


Nice looking tops arch, especially for only 24 days. You're are 7 days ahead of me, I started flowering (12/12) New Years Day. When do you estimate to harvest? Late Feb? Early March?
Nice looking tops arch, especially for only 24 days. You're are 7 days ahead of me, I started flowering (12/12) New Years Day. When do you estimate to harvest? Late Feb? Early March?

Thx Pb89! I kick started the switch to 12/12 light schedule by putting them into 24 hours of darkness, that may have helped some. They did start flowering fairly early at around 13 days. I am happy with how they look after flowering for 11 days. I did switch up there light schedule once also, so that the lights could run during the day and they spent another 24 hours in darkness then also. Technically they have only been under a 12/12 light schedule for 22 Actual flowering 11 of those. I am excited.

absolutely amazin for day 24 man, ill be postin on mine every few day from now on, what you think will happen with the bud mass on my plants only 22 days in nowhere as near impressive as yours but im hopin the bug will stretch a bit more what ya think dude.

Your grow looks amazing DB...whatever your are doing is working well. I am using a watering technique that I was shown by CHIEF on this thread. It works wonders because the plants seem exceptionally stimulated by it. Check back a bit in this has been linked a few times. It is a very simple process.
