Northern Lights Cabinet Grow..First Time


Well-Known Member
hi everyone ! im about to start a lil grow cab for the first time . Got some white widow fem seeds do u think they will grow too big in my limited space or would you grow a smaller plant eg lowryder?
A few more details about your cabinet wouldnt hurt. The size of my cabinet is in the first post. I also had concerns about plant size but now that I am halfway through my first grow I have a better idea of how to use what I have. LST and Topping will keep most plants in check during a grow. Plenty of awesome examples in this forum. I have never used scrog , but again there are some really nice grows to look at.

Check out this link to micro.growers scrog grow. It will amaze you at what can be done in small spaces:



Well-Known Member
So stoked to find this thread! This is the exact type of grow i am looking to do along with the same strain AND for the first time too ironically :hump:

Looks amazing definatly going to sub and keep my eye on how this turns out for you.

How has she been for smell up untill this point? Are you using any type of carb filter?

Keep it up!
Schar nice to have you on board! I am excited for you as well. Welcome to one of the most liberating hobbies/experiences that you will find. Im hooked. Thanks for the rep and compliment. Most of what you see comes from information garnered right here in this forum. Feel free to ask questions...many good growers with lots of experience to help. Do your homework first and read as much as you can. If you have a thread started, please link it man..would love to check it out!



Well-Known Member
Yo Arch, congratulation on your GIRL. I see she likes showing her naughty parts:) and looking good as she does it.
Thanks least now im not They are femm'ed seeds but you never know. Im hoping that she keeps growing like she does. I have room for her to take off and spread out some. Her next feeding will be bloom nutes and molasses.



Well-Known Member
Keep me posted on tht AK48 very interested and would love to see a grow journal on it say arch are you gonna clone her or just let her grow from wht I see she would make a real good mother.


Active Member
Girl is looking great arch! I'm sure she's going to respond well to the bloom/molasses feeding. Won't be long now before she starts swelling up!


Well-Known Member
Keep me posted on tht AK48 very interested and would love to see a grow journal on it say arch are you gonna clone her or just let her grow from wht I see she would make a real good mother.
Can I still clone her? She hasnt started to really flower yet. I was thinking again, I know i have changed my mind a few times, about getting one more plant going. Im not sure I have a viable area to cut from yet to take a clone. Mayeb in a few more days..let one section grow out a little more. Ill post some pics tomorrow. I took her out tonight and readjusted her LST. She is still spreading out. Once, I see pistols for real, I will let her go vertical. As for the AK48, I just got the ok to place an order for seeds, so that will be my next adventure.

Girl is looking great arch! I'm sure she's going to respond well to the bloom/molasses feeding. Won't be long now before she starts swelling up!
Thx P7! I checked her moisture tonight when the lights came n and she will be ok till the lights come on again. Then she gets fed again. Ill keep ya posted on how she responds.


Schar BK

Happy New Year! Hows the lady doing?

This must be how women feel when they get all exctied for a friends Pregnancy, only less pain and bitching. I cant wait to see some updated pics.


Well-Known Member
Happy new years Arch!!!
Thanks millyy! You Tooo!

nice lst job you got going on there NL is def on my list to grow
keep up the good work
Thanks Kush...LST is pretty much going to be my choice of grow style based on my cabinet restrictions. I love it and yes it works well. I was a bit rough on her and she has had to heal from some wounds I gave her. I felt bad but shes tough. I think she will reward me nicely anyway. Good seeing you again bro...appreciate you stopping in.

Great Pics! Keep up the good work! She sure does look good! You have a lot of bud sites, that's awesome!! Happy New Year!!
Hey allforit..whats shaking man! Im digging the bud sites...LST has really opened her up for their development. Im not sure there are any more than there would be had she grown vertically but it works for my grow You Too Man!

Hey Arch, been catching up with your grow, man. You've done a great job!
Thanks a ton ZX...Glad to see you again...I am happy you looked in.

Happy New Year! Hows the lady doing?

This must be how women feel when they get all exctied for a friends Pregnancy, only less pain and bitching. I cant wait to see some updated pics.
Your a funny dude SBK! Im liking your style. My wife would smack me a but for saying so but she would laugh and agree I was going to take some picture this morning before lights out, but my hangover got the best of me so I just tucked her in and went back to bed. I religiously check her status when they come on and just before lights out regardless of my condition.. OCD man Tonight when they pop back on I will take some and get them up right away.

Peace everyone and may this year be as budding and green as it can be!



Well-Known Member
Ok She took a good watering /feeding as soon as the lights came on. She was a bit thirsty and I knew she would be. She got half strength bloom nutes and some molasses tonight. her schedule has been pretty much every third day for water.

I didnt so any LST adjusting at all. Ill let her do what she wants this round. Growth has been steady. Im not sure if she will have a boost at any point but I will watch. Im sure I will have plenty of room for whatever.

Enjoy the pics.




Well-Known Member
Arch, I was a little worried when I saw the 1st pic because your girl looked droopy but the pics of her without the lights show how beautiful and healthy she is. Keep up the great work! You are absolutely correct in letting your girl do her own thing now. The LST job you have down is great, there's no need to mess with her:)
Ok She took a good watering /feeding as soon as the lights came on. She was a bit thirsty and I knew she would be. She got half strength bloom nutes and some molasses tonight. her schedule has been pretty much every third day for water.

I didnt so any LST adjusting at all. Ill let her do what she wants this round. Growth has been steady. Im not sure if she will have a boost at any point but I will watch. Im sure I will have plenty of room for whatever.

Enjoy the pics.

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