Northern Lights - end of first week in flowering - drooping issues HALP


Northern Lights.. This is the end of there first week in flowering, due to lack of room I was forced to start a little bit early. I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and gave it a 1/4 shot of first cycle of nutes just the other day. It has been watered every 2 days since about 2 weeks old. Just today I transplanted it as well as doubling my light output. Just within the past few days, one of them started to get its droop on, with a slight leaf curve inward. Am I overwatering by doing it once every 2 days? I have really good drainage as well as climate, Its about 68-70 at night w/o lights and 77-80 in the day w/ lights. You can also spot female characteristics on this plant as well, I hope it pulls through, any suggestions? -- Also my other plant hasn't really conviced me that it is a male or a female yet, but seems really healthy. Really worried about my other girl tho :(



it looks like the soil is kinda dry and could use a little water. also after transplanting the plant could have some stress making the leaves drop like that. but to me it doesnt look like you should be to worried. you will know when to water when you look at the color of the soil if its light brown it is dry and could use water. also some people lift it up and can tell by the weight if it needs more water. keep it up its looking pretty good


Well-Known Member
i just dig around in the first few inches of the soil to see if it needs water or not.


Active Member
you sure not over watering or under watering? checking Ph? what's the runoff ph..I've had issues with ocean forest and I'm pretty sure it was PH related. My runoff was like 5.0 at first.