Northern lights seedlings


Well-Known Member
Thanks Spider mite, do you agree wit Big Steve re keeping them in smaller pots and transplanting a couple of times?


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Day 9 after sprouting, 2 days after moving them within 2inches of CFL, i see there has been a tiny amount of new growth. Spider mite with the temps any tricks to keep the temp correct? what should i buy? I am going to start moving them into the Water boiling cupboard while they are in the dark period. Attached pics of the grow box too comments welcome.


Well-Known Member
Day 13, minute growth since around day 4. Any opinions? they still look healthy and though slowly they are growing????

Shark Bait

In my opinion, they need at least a short tme at 18/6 or 24/0, then switch to 12/12. During this veg time (18/6 or 24/0) your root system will establish its self, and then the plant will veg up with some growth above the soil. I did not know about the root hitting the bottom concept that was mentioned, I do however agree with the transplant idea. What nice about this, is when you transplant from a smaller container to a larger, you can get layers of roots, but you must put new soil on the bottom of the new container. Some people will "mini transplant", by lifting the plant out of its current container and adding fresh soil to the bottom to help with this root layering. Just remember the roots are what brings the nutrition up to your plant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shark Bait.
Im not sure if I should carry on? Should I still hold hope that they will spring into action?
I would definitely recommend going 24/0 for awhile. They will grow twice as quick. For such slow growth I would definitely go with other users pointing to lack of light, high perlite content, and large pots as possible causes. For reference, I happen to have a young NL going as well. For reference, here she is at day 13:
08-07 1927.jpg
You can see some damage to the lower leaves. If you start in a solo cup next time, my advice is to make sure not to wait too long to transplant, as I think that was causing problems for my plant.

All that said, I wouldn't give up if I were you, as long as they are healthy. Definitely switch to 24/0 lighting, maybe get some more lumens in there.

Disclaimer: this is my first grow and I have done tons of research but have little first-hand experience.
I'm kinda thinking I should switch them back on to veg, does anyone see any problems with this?
Dude, 18/6. Keep it there until they get 5 or 6 nodes since you're in a hurry to flower, and then switch back to 12/12. Also, get some of that perlite out of your pots. 15-20% is plenty for what it's meant to do. After you do that, just stop watching them (I know, it's hard) and they'll grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok seems like the way to go, how could I remove perlite from the pots without damaging the seedlings?


Well-Known Member
So i took one out to check what was going on underneath and the roots had grown all the way to the bottom of the pot filling the pot with a surprisingly developed root structure. I dont know if this means they are on the right track and are healthy but just not growing on top.
Do you plan on transplanting them? If so, when you do just add less perlite to the mix. Also, if you haven't given them at least 18 hours of light a day by now, you should. Just let them do their thing bro. Good luck.
Why have you had them on 12 since germinating? I would have had them on a full 24 under t5's until they had a bit of growth then harden them of under a MH at 18-6 to bring them up big enough to clone and sex.
I germ inbetween paper towels in a dark cupboard until they sprout. Then put into rapid rooters to get some roots going. A little olivias diluted is plenty to get them going. If you're still a soil person the rapid rooters can go directly into your soil. I would use a straight catus blend, you don't need to add anything, save your money. Once they pop in your soil I've found that 1 ounces of Botanicare Natures Blend per gallon of water works very well. You shouldn't need anything else except maybe a bit of ph adjustment. 8 to 10 days doing that will get you off to a very good start. At that point clone and sex.
Hey! my seedlings sprouted 7 days ago, do you think they are a little small? i haven't seen much new growth in the last 3 days??? I have them in a premium potting mix 40% perlite with a sprinkle of dolomite lime, in a flat white storage unit with a 250watt dual spectrum CFL. Watering every three days or so, PHing my water! I have had them on 12/12 since germing! Comments please! :shock:View attachment 2279898View attachment 2279899


Well-Known Member
Hi Professor, Thanks for the tips, i will see if i can hold of that equipment for my next attempt. The seedlings are on day 17 and are very small with very little growth, i switched them back over to 18/6 3 nights ago have only seen a tiny bit of growth, should i cull this crop? those were my last Northern Lights seeds, i still have some Royal Hash seeds left so i thinking i should practice on those one at a time? just not sure on the quality of those seeds as they were for free.

I really have no clue why these seedlings havent grown, the 12/12 from seed cant be the cause as i see so many other successful grows done this way, i ph'ed my water with an aquarium PH up Down kit, they are under decent lighting ( Well decent enough to grow) I wonder if i had of started them in smaller pots if they would have grown properly? And apparently Northern Lights is an easy strain to grow. I dont think i over watered as i made sure the two inches of so was dry before watering and that took 2/3 days. So im still sitting here after grow attempt two being unsuccessful wondering what actually went wrong????


Hey danny im in a similar situation im doing a northen lights x big bud grow and i transplanted them too early into large pots. Il let you know how they grow. Im doing like a 20/4 hour light cycle. Im hoping after the roots develop they will get large