Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto


Well-Known Member
Cheese is pretty popular, not sure about it's thc content though. I've only had it once and I wasn't a fan of the taste. Yea if this stretch grows too much I'll probably look getting a big one. Won't be very hard to cut holes for the exhaust and intake and I probably could do it with one super huge box. Cutting the tops is kind of a last resort.


Well-Known Member
Yea I feel you on that. And if you make a cardboard box, then you have two grow areas to play with. Once I saw the closet was a viable option, I got over anxious at the possibilities...and now I have 4 other plants growing lol. This shit is addicting! But I love it.

Oh and guess what I read not too long ago? LSTing an autoflower can cause delay of flowering and the necessity for 12/12. Apparently it's best to let it grow straight up. Will try to find the link.


Well-Known Member
Well I actually started LSTing after I switched to 12/12. A week after actually. That's interesting because I've seen people recommend LSTing instead of topping, fimming, super cropping, etc because the latter causes stress while LST doesn't. Interested on how it would delay it.


Well-Known Member
It's all good man it's your first time and you probably shelled out some good money for some seeds. I actually like gardening even if it's not weed so win or lose it's all pretty fun to me.


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Well-Known Member
Hey again Cloudz. How's the girl coming along?

I'm getting a bit frustrated - seems like the flowering has been stuck at the same point for a week or more. I've been feeding the flowering nutes at about half strength. Maybe I ought to go the whole hog and give her full strength. Just wondering if you're going through the same. This is my first grow but my partner lived in Holland for years and has loads of experience with photo plants and is getting a bit worried now about the lack of bud action!! So I was wondering if the strain might have anything to do with the little stall in flowering. It looks like an 11 week finish is a bit ambitious.

She's also shot up a bit (looks like the top cola getting way taller) and is higher than I can hang the lights! LOL!! Shame on me, I was too scared to do any training on my first grow but now I've had to hang the light next to her rather than above which isn't helping either. It does look like the lower buds are coming on a bit better, though. (I haven't had to hold her up with a plastic fork yet though :lol: )

Also, a few piccies. You'll see what I mean about the light. She stopped vertical growth for a number of days. "End of vegging" I thought. Great, I'll have room but she shot up about a foot since flowering started.


Well-Known Member
Nah, my girls are still stretching, about an 1/2 an inch a day. Also I would make a thread in Newbie Central. I'm far from an expert and have no idea what the problem could be.


Well-Known Member
Hey, no problems! I just thought that maybe you'd seen the same thing happen with your NLxBB auto. Anyhoo, she seems to have picked up the pace overnight and I can actually see some signs of faster bud production now. Hope you're getting somewhere with your girl.

I think the frustration comes from living on rationed weed while we wait for her to do her thing and just wanting to smoke it!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Well I have to water today. I bought some Grandma's Molasses. Only $2.78 instead of the $5.19 price with $5.49 shipping cost amazon charges. Gonna mix it with the fish fert today. Some guy here,, recommended I buy "Flower-Tone" by Espoma for my organic bloom nutes. Home Depot has it for 7 bucks so I may get that either tomorrow or the day after. Next watering after this one is plain water so I'm not in a rush or anything.

Also said that I may of done damage to the soil by using synthetic. I read a little bit that said that too. Hopefully since I've only applied the 20-20-20 once at 1/4 strength and the 1-3-2 twice at 1/2 strength I haven't done too much damage.


Well-Known Member
Just watered. Mixed the molasses and the fish blend together. Tried just a dab of it...That shit is sweeter than sugar lol. Microwaved the molasses for a little bit and had the water sitting on the stove for a minute or 2 just to make sure it mixed well. I actually did 2 tablespoons by accident. Wasn't paying attention lol, it's too early :). Mixed the molasses into half a gallon of water and added it to another half gallon of water with fish ferts, so 1 gallon total. I added room temp water to cool the hot water down and let it sit for a few minutes afterwards. It was room temp when I touched it.

I think I have a N def. I'm seeing red stems everywhere actually...Odd. I also found a yellow leaf about midway up the Northern lights. Was too hard to get a pic of, but it pretty much looks like the one I took of pic of albeit smaller. The pics of the red stem are actually the Blue Mammoth. Both have red stems though.

Oh and I also took a comparison pic of the height. First pic is from 3-4 days ago, second on is today. I'm hoping that the blossom booster actually slows down vertical growth. At the same time I'm worried that the blossom booster could be cause my deficiency by having too much P, K.

Obligatory bud pics included :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
I am having the red stem issue too. Was under the impression that you give less nutes during flowering but seems like they're not getting enough! Maybe that's why UB recommends the ratios that he does....


Well-Known Member
Yea, I can imagine at 30-10-10 would most def be enough nitrogen lol. Does he use organics or just synthetics? Gonna try adding molasses every watering and I'll add half an oz of the fish fert next watering(supposed to be plain water). I only did the 1oz today. Was concentrating on the molasses lol. Was surprised that almost all my stems were red. Didn't seem that way when I watered before.

Oh god, I was thinking about using urine if the fish ferts didn't cut it and I came to the realization that someone could of been doing the same thing with the bud I've bought...Gross


Well-Known Member
Yea, I can imagine at 30-10-10 would most def be enough nitrogen lol. Does he use organics or just synthetics? Gonna try adding molasses every watering and I'll add half an oz of the fish fert next watering(supposed to be plain water). I only did the 1oz today. Was concentrating on the molasses lol. Was surprised that almost all my stems were red. Didn't seem that way when I watered before.

Oh god, I was thinking about using urine if the fish ferts didn't cut it and I came to the realization that someone could of been doing the same thing with the bud I've bought...Gross
I think UB has used both synthetics and organics. Do you know if he still posts regularly? Most of my stem are red too...hard to feel like you're not doing something wrong lol. My plants were next to perfect in veg...flowering is on a whole different level.

I highly doubt that anyone used urine for ferts on your bud...but even then, the roots just take the nutrients from's not like they store the pee :lol:

I feel you though, I have things that gross me out too no matter how rationally someone explains bugs!