Northern Lights

Hi all,

I'm growing 5 northern lights under a 400w hps. I'm about a week in, wondering how early can I put them into flowering? I wan't to keep them pretty small and I want as speedy as a grow as possible.

Thanks for any help. :)


Well-Known Member
How much space do you got verticaly?

I would take 2 out of the grow box an flower em in a dark area after about 3-4 weeks of veg, let the others veg awhile longer so you get some quick smoke an some larger yields to sustain you tell the next grow.n If you flower the others a few weeks later to fill your area fully, stager you harvest (slightley) an increase yield.

If you 12/12 all from seed you could loose alot of your weight cause they didnt veg longer.

Its what Im doing.
What company is the NL from?


Well-Known Member
Veg for two weeks and you should have small plants with good yeild. lst and topping can do you wonders.
yeah that would be a good idea scarhole but I don't have anywhere else to flower. Space wise I won't be able to grow higher than about 70cm. Also I was wondering a nutes essential? Like can I do without them?