Northern Lights


New Member
Hello! Im not started yet to grow, but I read a lot before I am ready. So I got suggested that Northern Light is good plant to start with. I found an seed shop in net that tells me....
YieldIndoor: 500 g/m2 / Outdoor: 450 - 500 g/plant
is that right? If I do everything right and grow about three plants Im going to get about 500g?


Well-Known Member
I love NL - its fucking gorgeous smoke if done well! One of my top 3 for sure.

And growing it, as long its from decent seedhouse, its usually stable, sturdy, pretty resiliant & quite low odour too.

But yeah, don't believe everything u read: including the back of seed packets! If u can pull in 500g/m2 on ur first grow, then u shouldn't be asking questions on here, u should be answering them! lol!

Just do it though & see what u get - even if its 1 spliffs worth, i can guarantee u'll still love it! And then the quest begins to increase it next time, and next time, and next time!