Not a crisis, yet. Looking for opinions.


Pics to follow in post 2, because my laptop is old and doesn't do pics well, and typing anything of length out on my phone makes me want to give it a bath.

Grow Stats:

5 gallon bucket x 11

Pinewarp from BC Bud Depot, canadian strain (according to website), early finisher (mid-late sept) and big grower

Soil is 50/50 bag garden soil and bag composted cow manure, with blood meal, powdered lime, perlite and sand. Drains very well, possibly too well.

Watered daily,a gallon or more per pant. Despite this the soil is very dry before watering, and the plants start to wilt on hot days. I suspect a significant amount of water drains along the inside of the bucket and isn't exposed to much soil.

Nutes .... are possibly the problem. 2 year old Miracle Grow (28-8-12 I think, the all purpose stuff) has been used roughly weekly, anywhere from half stregnth to almost full strength, depending on how badly I had overthought what I was seeing and where my mind ended up. I admit to varying it too much and not reading the plants reactions as well as I should.

PH, according to my cheapish 3 way meter, has ranged from 5.8-7. When it gets low I have been dressing the top with a little powdered lime. Given a few days, it brings things back up. I've done this twice now.

Water is tap from an artesian well, 7.0 PH

Plants are mostly 6-8 feet tall, with 2 runts around 4 feet. Never topped, no LST (they really would have benefited too, plants are somewhat tall/narrow).

Direct sun almost the whole day

Roots growing out the holes in the bottom of the buckets (1/2 inch holes)

Like I said, pics to follow in a min in next post. Thanks in advance for easing the fears and calming the terribly over active mind of this relatively rookie grower.


Well-Known Member
Wow..a 28 N is crazy high!!! And if your pots aren't fully saturated with water, and you hit that dry soil and dry roots with a fertilizer with such high levels you will definitely burn your plants, which is definitely part or all of your problem there. During veg, your girls don't need all of that P and K either. The miracle grow is just all around bad news. If you are going to use it though, make sure your soil is already wettened really well before you apply it. When your pots are bone dry like that, break up the top layer of soil with your fingers so it's not all hard and crusty. Then give the pots a nice light coat of water on top just to moisten it up a little bit. Wait a few minutes and give them a little heavier application of water. Wait a few more minutes and then really give them a soaking. When soil is totally dry, most of the water you're applying is just running off and out of the pot. Really make sure that the soil is fully saturated bro. Dry roots+super crazy synthetic fertz=problems. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Those are big plants for that size pot IMO .....there's roots poking out the bottoms already if your in veg still I'd pot up if you could ....but that's more difficult with large plants obviously good luck ......ditch the MG


Thanks for the feedback! Some things I expected, and have been thinking about already, like ditching the MG. I have been reading the section here on teas, and I wish I had known more when the season started or I would have gone teas all the way. I also read somewhere here though that you shouldn't switch from chemical nutes to organic mid grow, something about the chem nutes killing off the micro organisms organic growing is centered around cultivating. Is this true, can I switch? Or do I need to just find better chem nutes to ride the next 2 months out on? Was also reading up on Neptunes Harvest, stuff looks awesome.

When giving nutes, I always water as normal first, then give the MG mix after. Another problem for me though is in the instructions. It clearly tells you how strong to mix, but not how much of the mix is appropriate for a plant in a certain sized container. I usually mix up about 2 gallons and distribute it evenly. Is this simply too much volume wise? How much nute-mix should be going in?

I've been periodically dressing the top outer edge of the soil with extra soil so the water runs towards the middle, it's due for another dressing though.

The plants have gotten big for the pot size for sure. I don't have anything else to put them in though. A friend grows indoors out of 5 gallon buckets, and others I know have managed. I know it's not ideal by any means. Next year I may try a different angle, but I'm stuck in buckets for now, and looking for the best yield and potency I can manage given the situation. I cut a male down a week ago and took the opportunity to look at the roots. The soil was pretty bound up and the bottom was just a solid white wall of roots. If I try and move a bucket, I can feel the roots grabbing the ground, and hear the ripping sound when they give.

This is my first run in buckets. Perhaps I should have picked a strain that doesn't grow so big. They had something called Mighty Mite that I almost went with. Low yield, but "Resin content" was supposedly off the charts. Also early finisher.

Somewhat unrelated, what are the odds my strain has some rhudelis in it? I've heard that potency suffers a lot from rhudelis crosses. I spotted pistils on 8 out of 12 on June 11th. Sprouts popped late March/early April. I still appear to be in veg despite the pistils, but I didn't expect to be able to sex them until mid July. My avatar pic was taken June 11th.


Oh, 1 more thing. I have 2 fish tanks, a 55 and a 40 gallon. I've heard fish waste water can be some pretty decent stuff. They're both due for a cleaning. Is it myth? Does the waste water have to sit for a week or anything or can it just go straight in the pots?


Well-Known Member
Oh, 1 more thing. I have 2 fish tanks, a 55 and a 40 gallon. I've heard fish waste water can be some pretty decent stuff. They're both due for a cleaning. Is it myth? Does the waste water have to sit for a week or anything or can it just go straight in the pots?
Not a just need an enzyme to break down the fish poo properly to feed.


0718160927.jpg giving everyone a flush, going to brew some fish poo. Just have to run out for a trash can and air stone/pump.


Well-Known Member
I know in aquaponics that an enzyme is added to break down the amonia the fish excrete. Maybe someone more exp can chime in on this...


Active Member
pinewarp gets pretty big, I suggest you grow in 15-20 gallon pots. I grew in 5 gallon buckets outside once. I wont do it again after going to 15 gallon and I suggest you use smart pots outside since they can dissipate the heat from the soil where plastic pots work like an oven and your soil can be 15-25 degrees hotter then it is outside. smart pots will also air prune the roots(it wont get root bound)which cause better root growth.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback! Some things I expected, and have been thinking about already, like ditching the MG. I have been reading the section here on teas, and I wish I had known more when the season started or I would have gone teas all the way. I also read somewhere here though that you shouldn't switch from chemical nutes to organic mid grow, something about the chem nutes killing off the micro organisms organic growing is centered around cultivating. Is this true, can I switch? Or do I need to just find better chem nutes to ride the next 2 months out on? Was also reading up on Neptunes Harvest, stuff looks awesome.

When giving nutes, I always water as normal first, then give the MG mix after. Another problem for me though is in the instructions. It clearly tells you how strong to mix, but not how much of the mix is appropriate for a plant in a certain sized container. I usually mix up about 2 gallons and distribute it evenly. Is this simply too much volume wise? How much nute-mix should be going in?

I've been periodically dressing the top outer edge of the soil with extra soil so the water runs towards the middle, it's due for another dressing though.

The plants have gotten big for the pot size for sure. I don't have anything else to put them in though. A friend grows indoors out of 5 gallon buckets, and others I know have managed. I know it's not ideal by any means. Next year I may try a different angle, but I'm stuck in buckets for now, and looking for the best yield and potency I can manage given the situation. I cut a male down a week ago and took the opportunity to look at the roots. The soil was pretty bound up and the bottom was just a solid white wall of roots. If I try and move a bucket, I can feel the roots grabbing the ground, and hear the ripping sound when they give.

This is my first run in buckets. Perhaps I should have picked a strain that doesn't grow so big. They had something called Mighty Mite that I almost went with. Low yield, but "Resin content" was supposedly off the charts. Also early finisher.

Somewhat unrelated, what are the odds my strain has some rhudelis in it? I've heard that potency suffers a lot from rhudelis crosses. I spotted pistils on 8 out of 12 on June 11th. Sprouts popped late March/early April. I still appear to be in veg despite the pistils, but I didn't expect to be able to sex them until mid July. My avatar pic was taken June 11th.
You can definitely switch to organic fertz bro. Just flush your soil really really good to get all of the old shit out. As far as I know, It's the salt buildup from synthetics that really fuck with the microherd in your soil (which is what you want when growing organic)


Well-Known Member
Your nutrients ratios perfect for veg 3-1-1.5

There is alot of crap advise on this thread.
No offinse for no one..

Am no expert as well not in the medium you use nor the nutrients you use, so I cant give advise on that!


Well after some reading here and over in the organic section, I'll be using some fish waste water for a bit and get some alfalfa tea started. Figure in 2 weeks when it's ready my girls should be ready for a flowering brew anyway. The fish waste water should have the ....... And this is me, suddenly realizing mid post, that I add aquarium salt, around 1/3 of a cup per 20 gal. Perhaps that wouldn't be so good.....fuck. Maybe I'm better off just letting them go as is until the alfalfa is ready and they're ready for it. I really wanted to get a little more N in the pots before full flower tho.


So it continues and the yellow continues to creep up. It's about one-third to half way up on almost every plant. I flushed and haven't given anything since for fear that this is all nute burn. Is this a deficiency? Iron? Magnesium? Nitrogen? I tried to get a close-up of some of the leaves that are in the middle of turning. And the same pattern can be found on every plant. There are some variations, spotting, brow0722161900.jpg 0722161901a.jpg 0722161903.jpg 0722161903a.jpg 0722161900a.jpg 0722161901b.jpg ning, at the tips, mid leaf. But those seem less severe than this Yellow creep. New pics