In my state as of now, there is a huge push of synthetic hallucinogens going around. Particularly a synthetic version of psilocybin or the chemical extracted, I am honestly not sure (without some spectroscopy data, this will be uncertain). I am a Plant biologist who is more involved with thermodynamics in plants and not so much the metabolites/chemials made within (although I have some good knowledge on them). I do though when the time is right like to participate in hallucinogenic "drugs". This past weekend I was looking for shrooms, but was unable to find. I on the other hand was able to find synthetic psilocybin, and as a "adventurous" person I took a few mg. I must say that the trip was close to eating shrooms, but different in the aspect because of the of intense visuals ( closed eye or open eye, I had intense Kaleidoscope type visuals). After a long conversation with my "dealer", I was able to get him to tell me that he ordered this chemical online and had received several thousand mg of this chemical. Now that I have heard this, I would like to know if this was some synthetic chemical or the real deal.