Not Even Kidding


Well-Known Member
After frequent DMT use, I too noticed myself physically feeling much better. Aches no longer hurt and my internal organs feel great. There really is something there to DMT healing. Smoke on!!!


Well-Known Member
Yep yep, I'm in extremely good health (compared to before), and I realy use very very seldomly.
Just got some fresh bark today though, but I am in two minds about useing it all to make changa or if I want some freebase too... They both have their pro's and cons.

I thin kthe overwhelming thing is it lets us make healthier choices as we realise this is for real.


Active Member
Yep yep, I'm in extremely good health (compared to before), and I realy use very very seldomly.
Just got some fresh bark today though, but I am in two minds about useing it all to make changa or if I want some freebase too... They both have their pro's and cons.

I thin kthe overwhelming thing is it lets us make healthier choices as we realise this is for real.
yeah couldn't agree more!

alll changa :)))