Not Flowering! -.- Plus how much do you think these plants will produce.


Well-Known Member
this is my first grow, so get some more info first, but it looks like they really need water. The yellowing could be lack of nutes? As far as flowering I have no idea.


New Member
the buckets you decided to keep them in will limit your yield and possibly lengthen the time it takes for the plant to grow to seuxal maturity (and then begin to flower). I have no real yield estimate for you because it's not flowering yet...but I'd GUESS between 2 and 3 ounces for those plants if they start to flower soon and finish on-time. where are you located?

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
My babies are not flowering! do you have any idea what they will produce?
they will flower a- when they mature enough....or b- when u force them to by switchin ur light schedule

and like fumble said they look like a water issue and need to be fed


Well-Known Member
Rona, the how to people. are they still 5 bucks a bucket? anyway if they are not flowering they wont give you any but like someone said if they do a few oz's from them combined.


Well-Known Member
They lack nitrogen..but don't hit it with to much....half strength bro. .If you havnt used nutes you could end up blasting em too hard and jackin em up right before flowering. .When i started out i fried em..and i bummed out.


Well-Known Member
N and water.. It's almost impossible to tell yield especially since you aren't budding yet. You can get an okay yield from 5 gallon buckets as I did last season. :) Feed and water them and you should be good to go. :)


Active Member
With that much soil in the pot, I'd probably guess that you should water them once a day..for sure

and like every1 else said... nitrogen. I'd recommend picking up some tiger bloom because it's looks like your probably going to be flowering soon anyways


thanks guys, today i transplanted them into the ground. with some composted horse shit. i have fertilizer 15 30 15 ultra bloom. i used it once 2 weeks ago. hopefully my babys do better now that they have unlimited root space. and yes they were root bound. no room left to grow, thanks for the advice.