Not getting high?

Mr President

New Member
Ive seen another thread like this, and yo idk whats goin on. I started smoking like 3-4 months ago. Dont do it often, more like some shit i do every 2 weeks. I deal it alot but i dont smoke it often. FYI, just incase that might have to do with the problem. Ima noob. But yo when i first started, my dumbass wasnt holding the weed smoke in at all for like my first 5 smokes. It wud go in my lungs and get right back out. Fucking waste. But it would make me happy laid back and euphoric but not really that high at all. But the last few times i smoked it holding it in, Ive gotten a lil light headed and just felt like shit. Today, me and 2 friends shared an 8th and i had like 2 fat blunts and i didnt really feel high. My friends were pretty fucked up. But I just felt like shit. Oh and it was my first time blazing in almost 2 months, so i coughed so fuckin much i almost threw up, and got a couple lower back muscles sore. But from what people describe what being high is like, i dont really get those feelings and stuff. Its almost like i have a tolerance of some sort. Idk if I'm doing something wrong or what, but can someone please help? I feel like the worst smoker and biggest noob in the world lol. So go ahead and talk shit. But I really need help.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Hey president... just toke a joint to the face, shell out a bit more cash for better weed, keep working on deep inhalation, which is more important than the length of time you hold the smoke in. Inhale that shit deeeeeep, hold for a few seconds, then blow it out sloooowwww. So nice.

Mr President

New Member
Thanks guys im such a rookie at this haha. I was holdin the smoke in for pretty long, and being sober for almost 2 months, I coughed my frickin ass off lol. But yeah i held it in about 5 seconds each hit, maybe i was holdin it in too long and my body wasnt adjusted so the THC wasnt really gettin there or something? I have no clue i shud probly shut up now. But yeah i saw another thread just like this and everyone was sayin its cause the person was new to smoking. So im gonna keep tokin. Thanks


Well-Known Member
sup dude, its hard to say what the issue is because there are so many factors that could influence 'highness' but I can say that the first thing to check is the potency of the weed itself.. get a magnifying glass and take a look at the trichomes (crystals) on the bud and see if the majority are cloudy/white OR clear OR red/auburn color because the most potent weed has mostly cloudy trichomes (a lot of THC) all other weed will carry mostly CBNs which is a chemical byproduct when THC breaks down because of light, air, heat. Also, check the density of crystals.. sometimes when dudes handle the weed too much and break it up for a long time, by the time they put it in the blunt and smoke it, most of the crystals have been broken and wind up on their hands and everywhere else (which is why not touching the weed and using a bong is best :). It could also just simply be low potency dirt weed..
Also, the human brain DOES eventually adapt to a certain strain if you smoke too much of it and you will not get as high as you did before, but if you switch strains then you should get high again. Make sure to store the bud in a sealed, dry, dark place and only take it out when ready to use; if the weed is somewhat humid, when it burns it just burns around the bud and you get very little THC/smoke ; the blunt will feel hard to toke on.. like u have to pull to hard to get anything.. try breaking it up more (NOT with your fingers) and make sure its as dry as possible.. try taking like 4-5 huge hits then dont smoke it for a few hours then do it again.. good luck!

Mr President

New Member
sup dude, its hard to say what the issue is because there are so many factors that could influence 'highness' but I can say that the first thing to check is the potency of the weed itself.. get a magnifying glass and take a look at the trichomes (crystals) on the bud and see if the majority are cloudy/white OR clear OR red/auburn color because the most potent weed has mostly cloudy trichomes (a lot of THC) all other weed will carry mostly CBNs which is a chemical byproduct when THC breaks down because of light, air, heat. Also, check the density of crystals.. sometimes when dudes handle the weed too much and break it up for a long time, by the time they put it in the blunt and smoke it, most of the crystals have been broken and wind up on their hands and everywhere else (which is why not touching the weed and using a bong is best :). It could also just simply be low potency dirt weed..
Also, the human brain DOES eventually adapt to a certain strain if you smoke too much of it and you will not get as high as you did before, but if you switch strains then you should get high again. Make sure to store the bud in a sealed, dry, dark place and only take it out when ready to use; if the weed is somewhat humid, when it burns it just burns around the bud and you get very little THC/smoke ; the blunt will feel hard to toke on.. like u have to pull to hard to get anything.. try breaking it up more (NOT with your fingers) and make sure its as dry as possible.. try taking like 4-5 huge hits then dont smoke it for a few hours then do it again.. good luck!
Well i had a dub of shwag and the rest was nice and potent with alot of red in it, u cud see the thc, i remember that specifically. And i mixed all of it together and smoked it.
My friends were lookin high as hell and happy as fuck but for me it felt almost as if i just woke up and was walkin around.. it wasnt fun =[
But im pretty sure it wasnt dirt weed

Mr President

New Member
Oh and guys, yesterday i made a water bottle bong and found some leftover weed, and im pretty sure i was high there. Because that shit was just wonderful. And it wasnt even a nick that i smoked. Even less. I played CoD MW2 but everytime i fired my gun i got agitated so I just walked around and observed the landscape. Now i am in love with bongs lol, i cant imagine wat it would be like if i smoked that 8th from a bong. I wud be gone. i guess my body doesnt like blunts, cuz i never cared for the little hint of the brown paper burning. So i think i found my solution =]