Not Guilty


Well-Known Member
STFU, dumbass. Like you never commited a *crime.

Like i said, I didn't premeditate to go fucking steal the car. It just went down like that... i regret it, it was a stupid choice. Thank god i got off without any record what so ever.

I take it your the type that likes to kick a person when they are down?

You fucking coward.
If people act stupid and end up "down" I say stomp away...A waste of fucking skin


Well-Known Member
What you guys fail to realize is i was really NOT GUILTY.. OK!!! The ONLY reason they caught me is cause of racial profiling, that and some coke whore who tipped off the pigs.

If you had any common sence, you would actually be happy for me, not try to talk shit.

Just make it clear.. I didn't "steal" the car.. My buddy did.. and I was there when he did it.

BUT that doesn't make me guilty of STEALING.. if they had any honor they would've only charged me with possession of stolen property.

Look at it form my point of view... The cops in my town are total fuck heads..

The same cop who pinched my for the stolen car, ALSO TRIED TO PINCH ME FOR;

1) Snatching a 70 yr olds ladys purse
2) Beating a drunk guy into a coma

and LOTS of other tings.

You know what? YES i did have knowledge of ALL of these crimes... I was not @ the scence, but i knew what went down.

I don't even hang out with these same people.. I moved to a new town, and I'm getting my life together.

Me & you would'nt make it.


New Member
It means that by the sounds of it & by the things you've wrote in your posts describing how you live your life you & i would not hit it off.
Come on! me and you have lots in common!!

I know you love to smoke weed, and bang fat white girls like i do!!! DONT LIE! LMAO :mrgreen:


Active Member
Stealin cars is totally super-lame. i bet you'de be way pissed if somebody stole your car.... think about. dont steal from people steal from evil corporations


New Member
I agree with you 100%

The funny thing is that i had my OWN car....

That's what drinking will do to you... make you do some STUPID shit...


fuck fat chicks
steal cars
get busted
fight friends


New Member

So i got busted for stealing a car, and possession of stolen property. I was looking @ 3 months.

I was so broke at the time, I was actually going to represent my self... LOL

Then i was like fuck it, borrowed some $$$ and got myself a good lawyer...

Best decision i have ever made. This guy was on the ball. I felt like i was in a movie.

Just wanted to share my story!

If you EVER get pinched.... please, please get your selves a good lawyer
werent you th eone whining about nirvana jacking you? Seems like universal justice to me.


New Member
STFU, dumbass. Like you never commited a *crime.

Like i said, I didn't premeditate to go fucking steal the car. It just went down like that... i regret it, it was a stupid choice. Thank god i got off without any record what so ever.

I take it your the type that likes to kick a person when they are down?

You fucking coward.
how are you going to call someone a coward for sayingthey don't like thieves?<Maybe if you had gone to jail, you would know more. I'm not being mean, but c'mon man, ou deserve to get kicked for even being an asshole enough to steal a car. People should get second chances, but need a lesson in humility.:mrgreen: Have a great evening.


Well-Known Member
i stole some shit. bar-b-ques, tires and rims, charcoal, booze, another bar-b-que, steak, more charcoal, more booze, cigarettes, another bar-b-que, more charcoal, more steaks and booze, a couple of live lobsters, a trinket outta every medicine cabinet of every house party we went to for 2 years (like a hair clip, just a token), more booze, more tires and rims (junkers just to get by on from delivery cars), shit more booze, cigarettes, stole a bunch of bicycles one night. went from one yard to the next. took a bike and left the bike from the last yard we were at. went thru one small neighborhood and switched everyones bikes on them. test road them all. we walked home.

i did all this some 20 years ago. but i did it. i bet a lot of you did too at one time or another.

peace out.

blazed up

Active Member
all i can say is you sound like a fucking asshole mate telling us what you have been in trouble about.
Why the fuck hang with ppl who steal off 70 year old ladies.... get a fucking life man, coz if i was to see some old lady get mugged id be the first person to jump in and batter fuck out of the mugger....


Well-Known Member
If it was my car you stole you wouldn't have made it to court cause i'd have smashed your f***** face in, shame on the court for not locking you up.


Well-Known Member
People are ragging on some small stuff...Yeah stealing is stealing, but when you're young you do stupid little stuff. Swipe a candy bar, lobster (I did that too) hell even a BBQ..But when peep's start to steal shit like car's....that's the proverbial straw....anyone who steal's someones wheel's should be skinned and dipped in javex.......................


Well-Known Member
it wasen't an 87 buick regal T-type with a 3.8 liter brand new eng. and new turbo droped in it. was it???
Nope not the black grand national. the gun metal gray with black pin stripes.
cuz ummmm its mine. could I PLEASE have it back.....
I really really loved my car.
I miss it.
this is true.
I best not say more or I may say somthing unkind.


Well-Known Member
it wasen't an 87 buick regal T-type with a 3.8 liter brand new eng. and new turbo droped in it. was it???
Nope not the black grand national. the gun metal gray with black pin stripes.
cuz ummmm its mine. could I PLEASE have it back.....
I really really loved my car.
I miss it.
this is true.
I best not say more or I may say somthing unkind.

That truly sucks ...