Not new to this but need help with the new set up

Not new to growing but am new to my 2 400 watt hps/mh and seeds I ordered. Having trouble getting germination and the ones that did germinated are slow growing auto candy kush, auto pounder with cheese, thc bomb, and auto bubblegum



Well-Known Member
How did you germ? What kind of soil? How long ago did you start your seeds? Were they old, or from a recent order?


Well-Known Member
growing in soil ?
plants tend to grow slower ( or not at all ) if the soil is soaked ..... auto's even more so .........
The seed were from a recent order planted 10 of them with in a week and the other 10 about 2 weeks later. At first I tried miracle grow seed starting soil and it wouldn't get wet but got 5 out of the 10 up but there growing weird. So I switched to an organic potting soil from the local garden store. And to germ them I just put them in the soil and keep it moist not wet and wait
i recently went from a foil lined closet and 6 large cfls growing bag seeds and getting some really killer bud to a 6x6 foil lined hidden room with 2 400 watt hps/mh cool tube lights t Ed together with ventilation and I'm having issues like never before


Well-Known Member
Make sure you start with quality soil. Some might argue that its not absolutely needed, but give your girls every chance you can to do well. I have no first hand experience with miracle grow, but from what I have read around here most people tend to not use it because it can be hot. No idea though, because another well known member here says it can be used easily.

Foil is a bad idea with stronger lights. Its not like mylar and other liners, it can actually fry your plants if its too close. I know you said you used it with good results before, but your new lights are a lot stronger. Just be careful, would hate to see hard work go down the drain because of foil!

Aside from that though, I have no idea what the issue could be. If you have any seeds left id suggest getting some Fox Farms Ocean Forest (or happy frog if you're afraid of burning, but I havent had any issues), fill a solo cup up with it, and plant your seed. If it comes up good and grows fast, you can assume it was your soil. Then put that seedling in your new grow area. If it does well, it was only the soil you were having problems with. If it starts to die then you have other issues you will need to work on. Could be heat, stale air, reflection from the foil, whatever.

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Do you have ventilation in the new room with the new lights? What's lights are you using after the seeds sprout


Well-Known Member
I missed the part you mentioned you had ventilation. What's the temps in there? Promix is a good soilless medium to use for sprouting seeds, it has very little nutes added. After two or 3 weeks after they sprout you can use whatever nutrients you want. Promix works well if you can find it. The MG stuff can sometimes be too hot for seedlings (I know I know, even though it says seed starter soil)
I will let you know I have2 cool tube lights hooked up to inline ventilation fan taking the hot air out of the room and another fan bringing in fresh air from a cold air return vent I keep it 75 during lighted hours and about 68 in the dark hours everything is on a timer and that's why I'm stumped
The soil I switched to is from the local nursery and they dig it and sift it out a of a flood plain in river being there facilty and I can tell it has a lot of compost in it but I drains well and dries out pretty quickly. I may have had the dirt in my solo cups too wet during germination


Well-Known Member
Hmm, try using less light, someone on another thread was having the same problems and I suggested t5 or t8 lighting. Sometimes seeds just can't take the intense light from HID lighting. Your temps are in check. The only difference is your lighting, I'm going to go with too much light. Use those bad boys for flowering and use 200w or less for seedlings. I grow my seedlings under 2 48" 32w t8 bulbs and they love it


Well-Known Member
Edit: you can use them for veg as well, but wait until they get a few sets of true leaves. Wait til they have the 5 pointed leaves and then you should be good to go.
so maybe put a large box in my room with a few cfls and don't give it the hps for a few weeks? Leave it in the solo cups I'll take some good picture of my set up and extra equimpent when the sun comes up if you guys would check back and give me some ideas
Edit: you can use them for veg as well, but wait until they get a few sets of true leaves. Wait til they have the 5 pointed leaves and then you should be good to go.
I have 5 large cfl's all with separate hoods and I also have a 250 watt hps/mh hood ballast combo just hanging out in the closet in a box


Well-Known Member
For sure man, I'm glad to help. I'd definitely use the cfls for the first 15-20 days after the seeds sprout. The big lights tend to fry em with too much light intensity. I can almost guerentee your success with cfls for first couple of weeks. After that, turn one 400w on and keep it 36" to 40" above the plants and gradually lower the light a couple inches a day to get them used to the bright light. Doing this should fix your problem man


Well-Known Member
Just use a couple of the cfls, maybe a 100w total for their first week, then add the other cfls for a week, then put them under the 250w, then the 400, by then they should be a foot tall or so and ready what whatever light you can give em 8-)


Well-Known Member
Autos germ seed in paper towels once u have tiny root plant directly into pot u gonna finish in put in big pot at least 10 litre then put straight under mh bulb dimm to 200 if u can do not feed nutrients water lightly once u have 5 or 6 nodes start light nutrients if u do as I have said u will grow nice autos

I use a premium potting mix with 50/50 perlite soil