Not our "friend"

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Well-Known Member
It has come to my attention, that as of lately a lot of weirdos have been posting on RIU in the Canadian section, people that seem to be anti Cannabis, they come on and try to act like they are part of the tribe by throwing a few slang words around, then out of nowhere they start to post anti cannabis propaganda. Who are you people? where are you coming from? who is paying you? is it LP's? The Gov? some private conservative organization? Who the fuck do you guys work for?

Any person who thinks you should not grow, or says stupid shit like if you go over your plant count you belong in jail. Any person who advocates for the LP system and downs home growing with lame excuses that sound like Rona Amborse wrote up for you, you do not belong here, in case you guys did not get the memo, this is a Cannabis forum.

My stands is no person should go to jail for "any plant" sick or not, in this day and age a human being should be able to grow any fucking plant, if I want to grow coke, opium, tobacco, Cannabis, roses, jap maples, etc etc you get the drift. And it should not be limited to sick people, if you live on this earth, I do not care if you are 7 years old, if you want to grow Cannabis this should not be a problem........

So if you come here with your redirect you are not our friend. Get a life.
Like anything else it is up to us to teach our children about cannabis. It's not devil weed. It's medicine. Yes some abuse it for the high, people also abuse other things too. Funny how you don't hear about morning glory flowers, I have them all over. Gotta teach the kids some flowers (seeds) are not for consuming, even if they are legal.


Well-Known Member
they seem particularly enamored with hippy and gb, I tried to engage one of them a few times and he wouldn't bite it was all about goaty and 123. Wonder what their morning meetings are like.
"Well....that didnt work I got banned. lemme use that user name you made friends with bro.... oh shit they are onto me on that one too...they seem pretty smart for potheads....." How many lost user names before you get fired from there?
Masky is still posting over on icmag trying to build credibility for his hemihate puppet


Well-Known Member
they seem particularly enamored with hippy and gb, I tried to engage one of them a few times and he wouldn't bite it was all about goaty and 123. Wonder what their morning meetings are like.
"Well....that didnt work I got banned. lemme use that user name you made friends with bro.... oh shit they are onto me on that one too...they seem pretty smart for potheads....." How many lost user names before you get fired from there?
Masky is still posting over on icmag trying to build credibility for his hemihate puppet
RU SERIOUS(: Time to go get banned :lol: who comin with me


Well-Known Member
Your an idiot The government allows growing and your worried about people breaking the law with regard to the rules for growing going to Jail. LOCK THEM UP! If it was not legal to grow then my argument would be different.
Sounds like you have been brain washed by the reffermaddness propaganda. No one I repeat no one should be locked up for growing any plant. Have you even looked up the reason for prohibition on cannabis in the first place....... educate your nazi sounding ass


Well-Known Member
I dont have to do anything (:.
I guess i look at it differently then you do because i am opening a legal farm later this year.
Sounds like you have been brain washed by the reffermaddness propaganda. No one I repeat no one should be locked up for growing any plant. Have you even looked up the reason for prohibition on cannabis in the first place....... educate your nazi sounding ass
sure why stop there though lets make poppies legal so kids can start producing their own heroin.


Well-Known Member
I guess i look at it differently then you do because i am opening a legal farm later this year.
sure why stop there though lets make poppies legal so kids can start producing their own heroin.
The people or kids that want to try herion or any drug for that matter are going to. Drug use and abuse is not a criminal justice issue... it's a social issue. The only reason any drug is worth money and human life is all due to the illegality and war on drugs... back to the basics poppies should be legal. If you take the taboo away from drugs aka make them legal the incentive for teenagers to try them goes down....

Legal cannabis farm? In Canada? Lp?

Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
Your an idiot The government allows growing and your worried about people breaking the law with regard to the rules for growing going to Jail. LOCK THEM UP! If it was not legal to grow then my argument would be different.
I'm not in this fight or am I Canadian, BUT, if you're gonna call someone an idiot.................................


Well-Known Member
Good luck, theres literally 1500+ applications that have been in limbo 3-4yrs ahead of you waiting on approval
lol that is why i am going to Oregon super friendly laws that are seeking outside investment.
When i talked to the lawyers they said 3 months from filing paperwork to facility inspection and opening.
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