Not quite sure what the problem is? Please help diagnose.


Indoor grow under a 600w HPS. Using HP Pro-mix with General Organic nutes. Temps are between 70-75 degrees. Been feeding once a week with 3/4 strength nutes with another watering in between feedings. Ph of the nutes is at 6.0 tested run-off at 6.2. Plant just started third week of flowering. Four days ago I started to thin the plant and the problem wasnt there then I noticed it today when I was super-cropping another plant in my tent.
Any help would be very much 4.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 1.JPG photo 2.JPG photo 4.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 1.JPG photo 2.JPG


Well-Known Member
Indoor grow under a 600w HPS. Using HP Pro-mix with General Organic nutes. Temps are between 70-75 degrees. Been feeding once a week with 3/4 strength nutes with another watering in between feedings. Ph of the nutes is at 6.0 tested run-off at 6.2. Plant just started third week of flowering. Four days ago I started to thin the plant and the problem wasnt there then I noticed it today when I was super-cropping another plant in my tent.
Any help would be very much appreciated.View attachment 3207582 View attachment 3207584 View attachment 3207586 View attachment 3207587 View attachment 3207582 View attachment 3207584 View attachment 3207586 View attachment 3207587
What's the Problem ?


Well-Known Member
Using tap water.
I see phosphorous deficiency in one photo (purple'ish necrosis on one leaf?). Maybe some yellowing, but can't tell if its nitrogen, sulpher or magnesium. Given the plant's stage of life, it could be any.

I use Pro-Mix HP and run higher ph, especially in flower. In flower I try to do 6.4. If I were you, I'd water at 6.6 and try to pull the medium higher.

Also, add 1 tsp/gal blackstrap unsulphered molasses. (I use Grandma's brand.). Maybe a touch of mg (1/4 tsp/gal epsom salt).

Da Mann

Well-Known Member
I mentioned more nitrogen earlier or full strength nutes. I think if you raise nutes to full strength you will be fine. It looks low on both Nitrogen and phosphorus. If not using a cal-mag supplement I would do that also. You are in the beginning of flower and needs more phosphorus for that stage of growth.


Well-Known Member
dawg u gotta ask about something when it happens if ur just noticing it now how the hell do u expect us to help u... problem is long gone just maintain healthy new growth old problems dont normal heal.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You have a cpl of problems.

pH your mixed nutrient feedings to 6.5 or 6.6 NOT lower, SAME thing for the straight water!!......Your pH range is LOW and that's limiting uptake of some nutrients. Forget about the run off ! That's only the pH of the run off,,,NOT the soil. Now simply ignore the pH as long as you set all the water/feedings to 6.5-6.6 BEFORE you apply it.

Run the Nutrients at FULL strength! RIGHT AWAY !

Adding a Ca/Mg? If not, do so!
Running a Si? If not, add some. It will help balance the P uptake.

Foliar feed a balanced foliar mix with N available. This will help the low N that's showing. Do this every other day for a week and continue with once a week after that.....Zip on out to your local grow shop and see about a good premixed foliar that's balanced for low N.

Ignore all other answers but Chuck......this will work.

Good Luck


Thanks Dr. Who I'm trying what you suggested running to the local store to get a foliar spray today and tomorrow I'll run nutes full strength at 6.5 to see how that helps out