Not sure what I need - but help for sure. Lol


Well-Known Member

Well I am not entirely a beginner but I did take a break for a few years and started it up in a new location in a confined space.

I will include pictures but my grow area is 4' wide, by 10' long and 4' high. I have a 770 cfm fan pulling through a 6" vent to the first light, then a second 770 cfm fan pushing through the second light, where the hot air is vented into a 2'x2x'8' area with a 500sqft A/C unit. The A/C exhaust through a port in the wall, some 5' away back towards the backside of the grow box. So actually the area that is being vented into also ecompasses the area below the tubberwares.

I believe part of my issue is the humidity keeps dropping down to 20% at times, I have put a humidifier in and its hugging around 30-40% now.

The largest issue I keep encountering is my plants wont put down roots! I tried rockwool cubes, and now oasis cubes, the roots breach the cubes but in the first few runs the roots would extend 1-2" below the netpot and then encounter root rot or some sort of similar root failure. So I bought a RO system, and now am using only RO water. I bought Cal/Mag, and some Hydroguard Bacculis something bacteria supposed to help against rot. I got all new air pumps, air lines, and air stones. Should be none of the root rot bacteria left as its in a whole new tubberware container with all new everything else.

I've got two ladies/possible males (bag seed) at the moment, and they have breached the bottom of the oasis cube, but not the net pot. I lowered the water level to below the net pot, and the air bubbles are keeping it moist I can tell. But its been 3-5 days at least since the roots extended out of the cubes about half an inch. I can see them, but they refuse to grow down past the net pot! Ugh! The plants have continued to grow and its getting a bit scary, I don't know how much longer the root system and support the plant.

What is going on!?

Plenty of bubbles in the tank, I checked for light getting in, and as far as I can tell there is none. I plugged the holes I did think might be culprits as well as taped the net pot down some.

Anyways here is some pictures, anyone care to share insight?




Well-Known Member
I started the first seeds in October. I have gotten several plants now into and around the 3rd-4th week. They get to this stage and something is preventing them from rooting. They have continually died around day 30ish. Lol we are having a bit of a colder winter than normal, I keep thinking maybe the water is too cold. But I imagine with internal temps around 75 and external around 45-50, the water should be somewhere between 50-60 degrees. Is that too cold? Attached a picture of the bubbles.

I am leaving them alone, I just changed the water yesterday as they started to droop I figured the nutes were getting toxic. The last picture I took this morning, and its looking a lot better no droop. Man I am just so concerned - as I only intended to do this run from Oct - April. And now I'm still sitting in the beginning stages - Lol paranoia creeping in with 0 profit.



Well-Known Member
Hello, how many watts you running on that light ? If it is a strong one it may be too close and causing some sort of stress, good colour though ? Maybe a dash of Hydrogen peroxide in the tank just to keep things clean....!


Well-Known Member
600 Watts, I thought it was too strong so I reduced it to 300w, then the plants shot up about 6" even with the fan going, so I put it back to 600w. Lol, I was putting H202 in the other tank, now that I've got the hydroguard - my understanding is H202 would kill the beneficial bacteria I put in there?


Well-Known Member
I lower it to 5.5 and let it swing to 6ish. But it usually hangs around where I put it as the nutes aren't really being pulled out by the plants yet. I was using pH down powder, but thinking that was the problem I switched to The good ole GH pH down.


Well-Known Member
600 Watts, I thought it was too strong so I reduced it to 300w, then the plants shot up about 6" even with the fan going, so I put it back to 600w. Lol, I was putting H202 in the other tank, now that I've got the hydroguard - my understanding is H202 would kill the beneficial bacteria I put in there?
H2O2 will kill beneficials agreed. How much space do you have between the light and the canopy as I would never put a 600 or 300 so close when they are just starting out. I usually have a 600w at least 2ft away from girls that are in flower and are three foot tall ? For starting out I would normally use CFL's as you can get those within inches of the canopy....

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Just fought an epic battle with rot and here's what worked. They did what yours did but from seed. I was using beanies as well FYI. I run sprayers so a bit different also. My root zone temps were to high and that was from the light hitting the top of the black tote, so so insulated with reflective bubble wrap that also stopped light leaks. Then I tried H2O2, and bleach, helped but it didn't cure, just kept it at bay. Then I hooked up a chiller. Lowered temps to 65 in the Res. Bought hydroguard and vitanimo (probably not needed btw, but I get good results). After doing that the plants thrived. I didn't take this shit serious before as I never had issues but now looking back I was not getting anywhere near the potential due to unhealthy root mass. The other important thing is light leaks. With the tray I'm running now I noticed the roots were lacking on one side of all pots and it was from light getting in under the lid at the sides, just a tiny crack mind you but enough.


Well-Known Member
600 Watts, I thought it was too strong so I reduced it to 300w, then the plants shot up about 6" even with the fan going, so I put it back to 600w. Lol, I was putting H202 in the other tank, now that I've got the hydroguard - my understanding is H202 would kill the beneficial bacteria I put in there?
Turn the light back down!


Well-Known Member
H2O2 will kill beneficials agreed. How much space do you have between the light and the canopy as I would never put a 600 or 300 so close when they are just starting out. I usually have a 600w at least 2ft away from girls that are in flower and are three foot tall ? For starting out I would normally use CFL's as you can get those within inches of the canopy....
Good advice.Little plants his size even at 300 watts are getting it good.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Yes that may be to much, I use 4-4'HO T5's. I also started them in rapid rooters, I really don't like RW. and I limit my floods to 4 times a day till roots are established and out of the net pots, now it's every half hour. Just a note, my Res temps are between 55 and 65 and while it may be slowing things down (actually thank god, things are happening faster than scheduled lol), I don't seem to notice.


Well-Known Member
Did you try making an EWC tea? Lots of easy recipes floating around. Makes your beneficial's more effective before they hit the res.

Try to keep your res closer to 68-70 if possible, for use with the tea. 50 might stunt certain strains at a young age.


Well-Known Member
Okay - So budley those are some beautiful roots. Wtf. Lol I should be seeing something like that >.<

Typically before I used 3.5" net pots, these new pots I bought from Amazon were a trick... They are 3.5" at the TOP. 2" on the bottom fucking shit. Lol anyways, I figured ultimately it didn't matter though right?

Alright - today I am going to cover the top of the tote with some foam with the reflective side up, and switch back to 300w on the light.

I was under the impression as long as your heat is under control the stronger lights could be closer right? I have the light pretty close, maybe 6-10" away. I will adjust it as well.

Looking into an EWC tea as well now sonson.

Want to thank everyone for their time in helping me to straighten this out. Nothing worse than a business venture going south. Lol
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Well-Known Member
I found my lights were my biggest problem when first starting... One rule I always follow relating to lights and nutes is Less=More.... Never looked back... ;-) Good luck in your venture/adventure....


Well-Known Member
I started the first seeds in October. I have gotten several plants now into and around the 3rd-4th week. They get to this stage and something is preventing them from rooting. They have continually died around day 30ish. Lol we are having a bit of a colder winter than normal, I keep thinking maybe the water is too cold. But I imagine with internal temps around 75 and external around 45-50, the water should be somewhere between 50-60 degrees. Is that too cold? Attached a picture of the bubbles.

I am leaving them alone, I just changed the water yesterday as they started to droop I figured the nutes were getting toxic. The last picture I took this morning, and its looking a lot better no droop. Man I am just so concerned - as I only intended to do this run from Oct - April. And now I'm still sitting in the beginning stages - Lol paranoia creeping in with 0 profit.
Ok guys and girls I have started a new thread " Personal paranoia experiences" come visit it and spill the beans it will be fun I hope a place to relax chat and laugh or go OH NO for someone so come and share I know we all got a story lol good day to all! But as far as water temps I keep my water temps around 76-80 I have found colder water temps have given me problems with plants not rooting and nute lock out not saying I'm correct 100% but that was my experience hope it helps


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone - well I made all those changes Friday, and Monday morning both plants sprouted roots! Lots of them! I'm not sure exactly which of the three it was (reduced wattage, raised light, covered Tupperware top). Anyways I struggled to adjust pH yesterday morning with my new pH meter. I dropped my old one and the bulb broke =(. Anyways I raised the ppm from 400 to about 480 adjusting, but the pH landed about 5.5, checked this am 5.8. The difference is the babies took a hit last night! I have no idea what the issue is. I consulted the nutrient deficiency diagram and I can't tell that my babes look anything like any of the pictures.

Please help rescue me again! Lol.

First image was 3 days ago, the last two are this am. All elements have remained the same except for the pH fluctuation I was dealing with yesterday - but I don't think more than 30ml total was added to the res of pH up and pH down.

