Not sure what this is, or how to fix it up (Pictures)

PH run off is between 6.5 and 6.8 (flux's between there) I use tap water with the help of PH Down and a PH Meter to get it roughly correct(as near as)

Its been yellowish since day dot. Its now day 6, i have pics all the way throught which i will upload shortly. Ive been watering them every day only 24ml of water(they are in a peat coin type thing/jiffy coin - you can see via the pictures) The fan i have osculating seems to be drying them out plenty, so every mid-day ill attend to it check its weight, when it feels like nothing i generally water.

I germinated the seeds, until the tap root was roughly half a inch long then place into a whole (not sure how deep - roughly half an inch to an inch deep) Its all been done(including germination) in adjusted PH'd tap water(I leave the stuff out for 48hours before using the water - plenty of it now bottled and stored :P)

They are currently sitting under 2x 18Watt Fluro's(Purple light blue/red spec - GroLux grow lights) and 2x 27watt 6500k CFL's - about 3 inches away from the plants.

A little more about the yellowing: It started at the base, the inner part of the true leaves, and just in the last couple of days it has progressed down the leave's in what i would describe as a strip - the outter edges and the very tips were a darker green for a few days, until it seemed to spread, not the very outter edges are basically green, while the rest is yellow. I am unable to find any decent charts with example pictures for seedlings(mostly flowering plants) so im unsure as to what would be causing this.

On with the pictures:
- Day2 -

- Day3 -

- Day4 -

- Day5 -

- Day6 -
Its getting more and more light green/yellow with each day that passes, its loosing its darker green. Is this quite normal? Here is a picture of all 4 together

The rest seem to be much greener. If you zoom in on Day6's picture, you can see in the center(where the light green/yellowing started and expanded from) it seems to be going brown.

Ive not fed these things, and dont plan to until roughly 2-3 weeks(when they look like they require some feed)


Well-Known Member
It could just be the seed itself. How did you place the seed in the dirt when you planted them? You might have placed the root tips down, which causes the seeds to use a lot of extra energy that could be used in the first few weeks of its life. Just a possibility. I wouldn't worry yet though, until you start getting fan leaves. Just keep a close eye on it, and give it a little extra love. Maybe feed it a little earlier than others.
Thats good to hear, Any advice on what i would see if it is going down hill?

Thanks for the quick reply's guys, ill put up another picture in a few days if it looks to be worsening :)


Well-Known Member
Basically if it keeps getting more yellow you might have an issue, but a little feeding would fix that (if it's not genetics related).
* Removed *

Its almost starting to twist somewhat at the base of the two first true leaves, im going to head down to the hydro shop (1.5 hour drive) with some pictures and get a recommendation :)