Not sure what this please help.


Well-Known Member
These are all clones that have been given the same nutes, ph, water, ect some are fine but three of them look like this. I thought it was a mag. def. but I have been feeding them cal-mag along with grow big and it hasn't really changed. Not sure if the leaves are yellowing/stems purple bec. the mag. is causing an N lock out? Any suggestions?



New Member
jon, your roots are pot bound. time to transplant to larger pot. doesnt have to be your final size pot, but bigger size soon is nessasary. theres not enough soil for the roots of those plants.


Well-Known Member
those plants are to big for those cups time to transplant!!! also when you transplant dont add nutes and just flush


Well-Known Member
Alright, I guess I did transplant earlier last time. I will give that a try, although if that makes my plants fully recover without doing anything else, I will be impressed.

You guys really think that's the only problem?


Active Member
when you transplant,put a handful of coal in the bottom of ya pots,soaks up excess salts in your fertilizer and keeps soil nice and sweet.