not sure what to do??


Well-Known Member
I have no idea is this is going good or if I am killing them?? I have two baby white rhino's from seed. They are in a constant drip bucket system under 125 watt cfl light with the homemade co2 jars in the DIY section. I am running the entire thing 24/7. Should I turn the lights off some? someone said they were too wet and i was killing them? should I turn the water off some? I am really lost lol. my idea is to use these two as mothers for a larger grow project. added new pics from today



New Member
It does seem very wet...

It's funny, as I was just talking with someone about drip systems.

How much water are they getting per day?

... also, how old are they?


Well-Known Member
i am not sure as far as a per day amount the system just drips all the time. they germed on Oct. 3 i can take a new picture if that will help you tell me what the the hell to do here lol. they have changed a lot since the first picture


New Member
Turn it off for a while. let your plant's medium dry out a little.

It looks to me like you are allowing too much water.


Well-Known Member
you dont want your drippers running 24/7 especially directly on the rockwool. I have a drip irrigation system for my veg room and i run it for 30 minutes every 3 hours and my plants never show any signs of under/overwatering. you gotta let the roots dry out enough. if they are constantly in water you can run into root rot. but you dont want them to dry out completely thats why i go with 30 min every 3 hours. i have a similar setup just smaller pots and more of them. i also like to keep an airstone in my res to keep it from standing and to add more o2 into the water. but your plants are def overwatered. grab a good timer that can be set for 8 times a day. i would go with 12,3,6,9,12,3,6,9. if they show signs of under/overwatering when you switch it up you can adjust accordingly.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah keep ur lights on 24/7. some people dont like that but i say if the light isnt on, theres no photosynthesis, therfore not as much growth. you cant really "over-light" your plants.


Well-Known Member
just keep the light as close as you can. i dropped my 600 watters a foot above my plants today. they have been at 2 feet cause i just transplanted. they ganna go apeshit lol


Well-Known Member
should i leave it off for a day or so to let it dry out some? Also how do you get an airstone to work in the res? my little pump only has one air outlet, should i split that hose or get another pump?


Well-Known Member
leave your watering or light off? I use a 50 gallon air pump and a long hose attached to an airstone at the bottom of my res. i use a 50 gallon airpump and 12 inch stone in my flowering room tank and a 20 gallon pump in my veg box tank with an 8 inch stone.


Well-Known Member
i had that drip setup, an ill go ahead and warn you tho, i never had any success with it at all. i ended up taking the way to saturated plant (even though i turned the dripper off a couple times during the day and was using a single 400 hps to keep the growth steady, and had the plant in the center of the ring) and put it in organic soil, and now the plant is in its second week of budding in organic mg soil and im no expert but looks like its starting to show female traits-lucky me.

i still have the 2 buckets and the hydroton medium in the closet a closet, but i think its served its last day in my gardens, my next hydro attempt will be dwc though, we'll see how that works.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man any other tips you have for me I am all ears!! I am inexperienced as shit but I want to be able to grow some really dank stuff


Well-Known Member
there are so many factors that go into growing dank shit. im on my first grow and im doing the best i can at it. just read bro. read read read read read. i suggest getting jorge cervantes marijuana horticultural bible. that thing is worth its weight in gold. if you wanna grow dank you cant go halfass. i know you made a little mistake but marijuana is a weed and is pretty damn hardy. i had a plant last night droop all the way over its bucket( had just transplanted) but within 2 hours i watched her stick straight back up and she looks better than ever today. just read and ask questions. look and see what other people are doing and take note of that.


Well-Known Member
Right on man thanks for all the tips She is looking pretty good I moved her to the center of the ring and everything is on a timer. Now I am just watching (trying to leave it alone but its like an itch that you just keep messing with)


Well-Known Member
Couple of things:

I have limited knowledge of the watefarm system. I have a friend that uses 8 of them and a controller and it's a mess. I think we all agree it would have been easier to use trays and rockwool, but hey, live and learn.

From my experience you need to setup the timers on a little guy like that to come on 15 min. once per hour and put the little bugger in the middle. I get what you were doing there trying to make sure it got the rockwool wet, but we found that the problem was just that you need to hand water when they are that small for about a week to 2 weeks. Enough time for roots to take into the hydroton and then run on the drip.