not sure what to do....

ill try to keep it short. a guy i worked with has kids that dumped their beans in his backyard. by now the plant is over 7 ft tall and i cant even fit my hands around the trunk. never seen anything like it. seriously, its crazy. been flowering roughly 3 weeks. dude wanted me to come check it out in his back yard, and i did. he was pretty excited about it and it was pretty miraculous it grew that huge. then i was at work last night and he got super-spooked all of a sudden and said he was gonna yank it up outta the ground.
there was no talking him out of it. so i said fuck it, i drove to his house last night, wrapped it up and put it in the back of my truck. so now its in my back yard and im thinking its worth a shot to see if i can get it to take root. i know this is a tremendous shock and most likely wont work. any suggestions? so say it doesnt work and i hang it up and try to cure it. are buds that immature even worth fucking with?


Well-Known Member
If I follow you correctly you dug up the whole plant, including roots? If so, then I see no reason it can't be transplanted. Other than the scale, this is really the same as any transplant. Not all transplants live, but at the same time, properly done the success rate can be very close to 100% (I have personally never lost a transplant...). I would at least try transplanting it. If it doesn't make it you can always hang it, but if it does you will get rewarded with bigger, more mature buds.
yeah well he was off work last night, i was not. he dug it up (most of the root system is intact, but not completely) around 7 pm yesterday i just got it in the ground about 30 min. ago. i dug about a 4 ft. hole and put a little potting soil back in with the dirt. surely not optimum conditions for a transplant, but worth a shot. appreciate your help.
sounds like you cut it. Big mistake, but its worth a try just placing it in water and seeing if it will root.

he dug up as much of the roots as he could. he wasnt going to wait any longer, something freaked him out all of a sudden. probably because he lives in a small neighborhood and it was 7+ feet tall and starting to flower. i dont know. i dont think it was a big deal to him because it popped by accident all of a sudden and he thought it was cool so he let it grow. i just hated to let it go to waste. its massive.


Well-Known Member
if you have some or most of the roots, the transplant should take, although it may stress the plant a bit.

cool story though!


Well-Known Member
dear god lol its massive , how long was it growing for roughly ? i would buy a tonic like seasol (not fish emulsion) that helps with transplant stress and water it everyday and foliar feed it everynight. your going to loose alot of bud from the stress but harvesting now would be a waste of time

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Water it every day, yes. Will help it recover from shock.
Foliar feed late in the day? NO. Gold engraved invitation to mold and budrot.
Foliar feed with a weak nute solution, early in the day.
Good luck, that fuckers a monster.
lol, ok that is a nice plant. You have a safe place (out of view) to plant it?
yeah there is a field adjacent to my back yard where i planted it. the brush is very thick probably waist-high. many shrubs and trees around so it doesnt completely just stick out. my only concern is for the time being, from an over-head view, there is an obvious path from my back yard to the tree. did my best to cover my tracks, but its still clearly visible. how concerned should i be? i know there is an inherent risk. what i guess im saying is that the hard part is done. i put that big s.o.b. in my truck, drove 20 min. and planted it a field.

dear god lol its massive , how long was it growing for roughly ? i would buy a tonic like seasol (not fish emulsion) that helps with transplant stress and water it everyday and foliar feed it everynight. your going to loose alot of bud from the stress but harvesting now would be a waste of time
it first was noticed in march. the my co-worker has been telling me about it for a while now, and of course the way he was describing it, it seemed like a huge exaggeration. then i saw it for myself. i have seen quite a few plants in my time, but i stood there in awe admiring it. mainly because it came about by accident and no care whatsoever was provided to the plant. i guess sometimes less is more. the pics dont do it justice. like i said, he didnt even know it was anything special (size wise) because he had never been around plants before. he said wanted me to help him harvest and get rid of it, just give a fair amount of profits to him. it sounded to good too be true. we were almost there, but he got crazy paranoid in the middle of flowering and yanked it up.
some branches were broke off while loading it in my truck, i had to make it fit in my bed (and i didnt want anything visible while driving down the freeway lol) but i took a sample last night before i went to the grocery store and daaayyy-yyyuuumm, i was blazed. not like the purple kush im smoking on, but i was certainly crazy lifted.